Smart Meter – The Drone Attached to Your House

Once a week I check with bated breath my conventional meter attached to the side of my house. I want to make sure no smart meter had been installed in my absence and without my permission. I have written to my utility company that I do not wish to have a smart meter installed, I mailed the letter return receipt requested to make sure that they cannot claim non-receipt. I called the utility office and again, voiced my desire to keep my conventional meter. I received a form letter, telling me that there are no plans yet, smart meters are safe, and there is no opt out, please check the website, etc. I posted a large sign by my conventional meter that they do not have my permission to install a smart meter. When the meter is read, the sign disappears or I find it in the grass. I gave up replacing it. I seem to fight the monopolistic goliath who is the only provider of power.

More and more people who had been harmed by electromagnetic pulses are taking action against their utility company across the nation. Texans Against Smart Meters are considering a class action lawsuit in reference to Fourth Amendment rights violation and health issues commenced or exacerbated by the installation of the Advance Metering System, better known as smart meters.

Smart meter removal from one’s home is not enough. Within a five square mile area there is a collecting point of information from all meters and a transmitter receives information from all the collecting points within 125 miles of its location. This transmitter sends all the collected data to a master location, the “mother ship” where everyone’s information is stored, analyzed, and sold to a third party who is interested in the household’s pattern of usage, consumption of electricity, or possibly “illegal” activity in that home.

During peak usage, the utility company can turn off the power, adjust the thermostat from afar, or turn off entire grid in an “emergency” such as the catastrophic failure of power during the 2012 D.C/Maryland/Virginia straight line winds.

Cyber-attacks and solar flares can also take down an entire section of the smart grid with its smart meters. A person, who wishes to know when the homeowner is at work or on vacation in order to rob the place, can steal the streaming data from the smart meter (which pulses information several times a minute) by standing outside the home with a handheld device.

I have listed issues and negative health effects from smart meters in my previous articles. Links to four of my columns are found at the end of this article.

Louis Donovan of Carson, CA talks about his heart and pacemaker disruptions from electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted by his smart meter which stopped his heart 4 times. (

Abstracts of articles describe the link of low-level microwave radiation and other frequency ranges of radiation exposure to the development of tumors, to DNA (genotoxicity), to production of stress proteins, to heart disturbances, to general brain effects, to blood brain barrier and nerve effects, to immune reactions, and to general functional impairment. (

De-Kun Li, senior researcher at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, CA, has shown that EMF exposure in the womb is linked to increased risk in childhood obesity. (

In Hawaii, an electrical contractor in Kauai “recorded a smart meter pulse at a business with emissions more than 1300% than KIUC’s claim.” Josh de Sol said, “emissions over a 24 hour period, amount to 3.2 hours of exposure to modulated microwave frequency radiation at over 2 milliwatts per square meter which is 240 times greater than what the utility company claims.” (

The Maine Supreme Judicial Court has ruled on July 12, 2012 that Maine Public Utilities Commission has failed to resolve health and safety issues resulting from the installation of smart meters by Central Maine Power Co. According to Josh Del Sol, opponents to smart meters “argued that utility regulators ignored their legal mandate to ensure the delivery of safe and reasonable utility services.” Sadly, the $200 million project, which replaced 615,000 analog meters with smart meters, is complete. Federal stimulus money provided half the cost. The court’s decision appears ineffectual since the smart meters are already installed.

Josh Del Sol, producer and director of the movie, Take Back Your Power, writes that “PECO suspended installations of smart meters after local fire officials in Philadelphia attributed them to the cause of several recent home fires.” (

To make matters worse, it was discovered that smart meters lack UL and CSA approval and safety testing. “UL has developed a standardized set of safety requirements for utility meters, including smart meters. Even though there are standards, and UL says utilities need to ensure testing, no utility to date (that we know of) has been able to provide evidence of any UL or CSA certification, or accredited safety testing.” (Josh del Sol)

UL, according to their website, is a global independent safety science company offering expertise across five areas: product safety, environment, life and health, verification services, and knowledge services.

CSA is a global provider of product testing and certification services for US, Canada and countries worldwide for many products and components.

People should be gravely concerned that utilities have installed and are installing at a rapid pace the untested, unapproved device called smart meter which controls all electrical usage, causes fires, and serious health effects. On my recent trip to Europe, I photographed banks of smart meters everywhere, installed with European Union funds.

Josh del Sol described the interview with John Horgan, New Democrat Party Energy Critic in British Columbia. Del Sol asked him why British Columbia Hydro is installing unapproved devices. His answer was, “I don’t know… I don’t know. It’s mind-numbing, isn’t it?”

We do know why utilities are installing smart meters in the U.S. – it is a convenient way to control our energy use and thus our independence by using the ruse of convenience, modernization, cheaper energy, expedience, and better service. Nothing can be further from the truth. Smart meters are convenient ways to spy on the populace, charge them more per kilowatt hour of consumption, reduce consumption by cutting power delivery, control the population and its health, reduce costs for utilities who no longer have to worry about storage capacity and building additional storage plants which are expensive, reducing costs of wire maintenance under and above ground, and eliminating meter readers for conventional meters.

Additional links to my previous articles: Smart Meter Big Brother of Our Day Smart Meter Battle in Nevada Smart Meters Removal Has Begun Smart Meters and Your Health

One thought on “Smart Meter – The Drone Attached to Your House

  1. Here in Rochester Developers are just finishing a new housing complex that conforms to all agenda 21 directives. It contains several hundred ‘subsidized’ living units conveniently located near City Center and fronting on the Genesee river. The colorful, pleasant looking, 4 and 5 story buildings are located on land previously occupied by government run low income apartments that were torn down because they’d became indistinguishable from a garbage dump.
    Of course there are several City Bus stops serving it, and all the requisite small businesses are on premisses to afford renters shopping convenience. No doubt, all the latest City, State and Federal building codes have been met as well. Smart kitchen and home appliances communicate, I’m sure, at regular intervals through the newly installed ‘Smart Meters’ that keep bureaucrats in Albany up to date on the goings on within their various assigned jurisdiction’s.
    I doubt any of the new, heavily subsidized, low income and welfare tenants (one is actually afraid to speculate about the real cost of “Regulated” construction and the deficit incurred from subsidies that must be covered by taxes) are aware of what their getting into. For example: Rochester’s Democrat (communist) controlled City Council, in 2008, passed an ordinance giving City ’employees’ the right to enter ‘any’ rental property, when ever they want for any reason, without notice, or duly issued warrant, or permission of the renter. The local communist propaganda organ printed a small notice in the corner of one of it’s surviving, now near tabloid size, six pages… and never mentioned it again. Questions about this regulation are no longer asked because City Council steadfastly refused to acknowledge the question was ‘being’ asked.
    I must admit I’m eager to see what happens when a ‘City Employee’ tries, for the first time, to enforce “The Law” on an unsuspecting tenant.
    Suffice it to say all new construction in Rochester conforms to Agenda 21 because Rochester signed on in 2004. Virtually no City resident is aware any of this is going on, or that agenda 21 actually exists.
    My old ‘dumb’ meter is in my basement and I dare them to try replacing it. The same goes for those garden compliance regulators… Eat THIS sucker!
    I can’t wait for your new book!

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