Global Bankruptcy, Sustainable Development, and Propaganda

Ever so caring for the fate of humanity, Pope Francis’ duties have now extended from world climatologist, population control, and critic of free market economics, to expert on global bankruptcy. He said, “The goods of the Earth are meant for everyone, and however much someone may parade his property, it has a social mortgage.”
The Catholic principle of “social mortgage” is the idea that the public has a “legitimate and necessary claim on private wealth and property.”
We are so lucky that we have such a capable Pope who not only tends to the souls of his flock but also to the pockets of the rich and of the downtrodden who are in serious need of wealth redistribution and social justice.
If we don’t allow countries to go bankrupt, we are definitely a heartless bunch. Just giving them foreign aid and technical expertise to build their own prosperous economy is no longer enough. In the meantime, Christians are being killed and persecuted around the globe by their Muslim brethren but I digress.
The AP reported that Pope Francis said the following when asked to comment about the Greek debt debacle, “If a company can declare bankruptcy, why can’t a country do so and we go to the aid of others?” Because so many countries struggle with debt, he called for an international bankruptcy process as a solution. I am not sure if he mentioned all the theft and misallocation of donated funds or how loans have been used or misused.
The Catholic Church’s consultant to the Vatican, Eric LeCompte, head of the religious development organization called Jubilee USA Network, said that “Pope Francis knows that heavy debt loads cause poverty and inequality. The Pope’s statement is a logical extension of the Catholic Church’s strong support of debt relief for struggling countries.”
The Pope is not alone in poverty and debt eradication calls. United Nations voted 124-11 in September 2014 to develop a global bankruptcy process. The Pope is just promoting their plans. IMF studies revealed that debt is a cause of inequality. It will develop a proposal this fall as “nearly 50 countries face worrying levels of debt according to World Bank statistics.”
“A bankruptcy process is critical if we want less poverty and if we want to prevent financial crisis,” said LeCompte, consultant to a recent United Nations Conference on Trade and Development road map utilized in the U.N. bankruptcy process. “Bankruptcy means less inequality and more global stability.”

Since our American students’ college loans cannot be bankrupted even though most of them cannot find jobs in their fields in this out-of-control national-debt-strapped economy to enable them to pay back their loans, should we not start a bankruptcy loan forgiveness at home before taxpayers are somehow saddled with the debt of the third world? If suddenly international banks that made loans to various countries, are in need themselves of bailouts because they are deemed “too big to fail,” will taxpayers be required to rescue them?

At the same time, the U.N. is preparing the future of education through a renewed propaganda indoctrination assault of our children into Green Global Citizens. U.N. Secretary Bank Ki Moon and UNESCO’s chief Irina Bokova declared that globalized schools around the world need to re-shape our children’s values in order to create “sustainable global citizens.”

Attending the U.N. World Education Forum in South Korea, 100 education ministers, U.N. plutocrats, globalists, Marxist educators, environmentalists, lobbyists, and “stakeholders” outlined the public relations media blitz of the “roadmap for global education” through 2030 via the Incheon Declaration.

The U.N. Foundation, media “partners” and other NGOs unveiled their propaganda campaign for the next fifteen years to promote the “sustainable development” master plan for humanity and the globe, the lynchpin of the 1992 U.N. Agenda 21. Dubbed the “world’s largest advertising campaign,” the U.N. effort will “train” and “subsidize” so-called journalists to favorably report on the one world government global control, under the guise of “sustainable development,” of every facet of our economy and of our lives.

While visiting the United States in September, in addition to supporting the climate change industry, the Pope will likely attack the “American Idea,” the God-given individual rights outlined in the U.S. Declaration of Independence. We know so because the senior Vatican and U.N. adviser, Jeffrey Sachs, wrote in a Catholic publication that “the path to happiness lies not solely or mainly through the defense of rights but through the exercise of virtues, most notably justice and charity.”

The indoctrination into the global citizenship will be facilitated by our Department of Education agenda of “cradle to government-approved career.” Secretary of Education Arnie Duncan unveiled the plan for government boarding schools for “just certain kids we should have 24/7,” building “community centers” with more offerings of “after school programming” and the opportunity to shape the brain full of mush of potential social justice drones.

And topping the list of communist indoctrination, millions of dollars of tax money will be used to brain wash kids into non-existent “white privilege,” a race-based ruse to excuse any lack of personal responsibility, motivation, and work ethic among the lazy, incapable, and the sloth.

The San Francisco-based Pacific Education Group, “claims black students shouldn’t be subject to ‘white values’ such as industriousness, punctuality, and civilized classroom behavior and that they should be held to different standards than whites.” Never mind that teachers report chaos in the classrooms where these new “visionary” and outrageous standards of behavior have been adopted. Such race-based standards are racist by definition. But then again, achievement based on merit is overrated. Why not have 144 valedictorians among 400 high school graduates?

While in South America, Pope Francis made the call for “a new economic and ecological world order where the goods of the Earth are shared by everyone, not just exploited by the rich.” The question remains, who will divide these goods of the earth and how will it be done if not by supply and demand? And who will be the producers with so many takers waiting in the wings?

Further reading:
Sovereign Debt Workouts: Going Forward Roadmap and Guide (The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)
IMF’s April 2013 paper on debt restructuring
United Nations General Assembly Resolution on a legal bankruptcy framework

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