Assisi Fountain
(Photo: Ileana Johnson 2008)
Extremely curious at the media allegation that the “scientific Pantheist who advises Pope Francis” and has swayed “Laudato Si” (named so after St. Francis of Assisi’s canticle), “seems to believe in Gaia, but not in God,” I set out to read for myself the climate change encyclical in Italian.
Pope Francis, began his 192-page “Lettera Enciclica, Laudato Si’ del Santo Padre Francesco Sulla Cura Della Casa Comune,” by quoting a St. Francis d’Assisi canticle, and by saying that we are abusing and irresponsibly using “our sister Mother Earth, which sustains and governs us and produces diverse fruits with colourful flowers and herbs.”
On page 5 he continues with, “Ogni aspirazione a curare e migliorare il mondo richiede di cambiare profondamente gli ‘stili di vita, i modelli di produzione e di consume, le strutture consolidate di potere che oggi reggono le societa.” As I translate, “Any aspiration to care for and improve the world requires changing profoundly life-styles, the patterns of production and consumption, the established structures of power that today govern society.”
I have heard these words before written in the 40-chapter U.N. Agenda 21 document signed by 179 countries in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro and repeated by subsequent Rio conference participants and advocates who really want to destroy capitalism. Here’s a quote by Christina Figueres, Executive Secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, in which she admits that environmental activists and lobbyists aim to destroy capitalism, not save the globe from ecological Armageddon.
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution”
To accelerate our compliance with United Nations demands on greenhouse gas emissions, Congress was informed in a CRS report on June 29, 2015 about the dangers of increased atmospheric CO2, even though, lost in the report is the following statement, “The atmospheric CO2 concentration was however higher in Earth’s more distant past (many millions of years ago) at which time paleolithic and geological data indicate that temperatures and sea levels were also higher than they are today.”
The objective of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is to “stabilize carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the Earth’s climate system.” To the U.N., according to this CRS report, “stabilizing carbon dioxide concentrations implies zero net emissions.” (Jane A. Leggett, Greenhouse Gas Pledges by Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Congressional Research Service , R44092, June 29, 2015)
As Leggett explains in the footnotes on page 2 of the CRS report, the UNFCCC’s covers only greenhouse gases influenced by human activity but implicitly includes gases that occur naturally and human-related such as CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, manufactured gases such as hydroflourocarbons (HFC), perfluorcarbons (PFC), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), nitrogen trifluoride (NF3). Cloroflourcarbons (CFC) are apparently covered under the 1985 Vienna Convention to Protect the Stratospheric Ozone Layer and the Montreal protocol.
Quoting Patriarch Bartholomew on page 8, Pope Francis said that “by being human we are destroying the biological diversity of God’s creation, we are compromising the integrity of the planet, we contribute to climate change, deforest the earth, destroying its humid areas.” We are committing sins because “a crime against nature is a crime against ourselves and is a sin against God.” The 15-page preamble asks on page 13 for a “new universal solidarity.”
The following chapters deal with water, human life quality, social degradation, inequality on the planet, the greening of society, environmental justice for the poor, reproductive health, country inequality, poor countries of the southern hemisphere, universal communion, the common destination of goods, the human root of ecological crisis (read man-made), crises and consequences of the modern Anthropocene, the need to defend work, social, environmental, cultural, and economic ecology, ecology of daily life, the principle of the common good, justice through generations, sustainable agriculture, protection of natural resources and water, replacement of fossil fuels with renewables, Rio +20, the Rio Declaration of 1992, reparations for poor countries for the environmental damage caused by developed countries, etc.
These paragraphs are obviously an abbreviated and religiously-tinged regurgitation of Agenda 21 goals as spelled in the 40 chapters of the U.N. Agenda 21 document signed in 1992 by 179 countries.
A dialogue between religion and science is proposed on page 152 because the majority on the planet view themselves as faithful. It is thus imperative for religion to enter the dialogue of curing nature, of abolishing poverty, and of building a network of respect and fraternity.
It is vital for education and spiritual ecology to merge together, he said, but to do so we must create change in our excessive consumerism, our collective egoism, and in our sense of precariousness and insecurity. We must strive for the common good, he added. The Christian community and churches have an important role to play in this educational change to form and educate the masses for responsible austerity, to cure poverty, and to care for the environment in this ecological conversion. (p. 163)
With all due respect to his Holiness and the church, this document reads just like any other communist-based environment manifesto and is full of transparent communist jargon (especially the bold-faced words) promoted and supported by various United Nations-affiliated environmental NGOs.
We already have an environmental Constitution for the world, The Draft International Covenant on Environment and Development (DICED). I spoke at length about some of the 79 articles of DICED in my book, “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy.”
But having his Holiness support the goals of the climate change industry, gives their entire agenda a new and powerful façade.
The papal encyclical “Laudato Si” published on May 24, 2015 ends with a beautiful Prayer for our earth on page 184 and with a Christian prayer with the Creator on pages 185-187.
When Pope Francis asked on page 123, “What type of world do we wish to leave for our children who are now growing up,” it is clear to me what type, it is global communism ordered around the redistribution of wealth and around a one-world government under the guise of planet stewardship.