The Climate Change Industry Changes the Energy Market

Danish mink farm
Countries and companies around the globe have spent trillions of dollars to stop the Earth from warming and the Earth did not get the message, it responded by cooling. Not to worry, environmentalists who were blatantly wrong and tried to say that cooling is part of global warming, changed their golden goose agenda to climate change. Even though climate change is real, it is called seasons, critics of the climate change industry, of climatism, have been marginalized under the rubric of global warming heretic deniers.
The United Nations came up with a clever scheme to convince the world that the “Four Horsemen of Environmental Apocalypse, overpopulation, resource depletion, pollution, and climate devastation” will annihilate humanity as we know it. The Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations, explained how they succeeded:
“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”
According to Dr. Steve Goreham, with the establishment of U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988, “climatism was born and controlling carbon has become a bureaucrat’s dream.”
World’s leaders, politicians, corporations, universities, and NGOs have been captivated by the climate change industry even though the theory of global warming has failed miserably and all the climate models were proven wrong. They declared war on fossil fuels and waged it with a vengeance at the expense of taxpayers and electricity users.
Suddenly using too much energy derived from coal, oil, and natural gas became a sin even though energy is the driver of global prosperity. Environmentalists have decided to deny the same opportunity for prosperity from cheap fossil fuel energy to millions of citizens of third world nations, forcing them instead into expensive solar and wind energy they cannot afford. Hydrocarbons became the black sheep, and billions and billions in subsidies were spent to make room for renewables.

“It’s in our interest – and we wouldn’t be able to stop it anyway – for the poorer countries, which only are responsible for about 20 percent of the globe’s pollution, to develop, but they should develop according to a different path, a different industrial prescription than we did.” (Michael Oppenheimer on This Week with David Brinkley, 31 May 1992)

Environmental NGOs lectured impressionable students that nobody should be drilling at all because fossil fuels destroy the planet, we should pay $10 per gallon like Europe, use renewables and learn to live modestly on solar and wind, if we can afford them. If we must return to medieval living to save one of God’s creatures, then we should. It is getting serious when even the oil producers have bought into climatism.
But environmentalists are not all equal. They want electricity to their smart devices that use more power than a refrigerator. They want tents, shoes, sunglasses, caps, and clothes made from hydrocarbons but they are protesting fossil fuels. They want their Priuses and electric cars but have no idea that the electricity to power them comes from hydrocarbons. Some enviro-denizens are Nimby (Not in My Back Yard) when it comes to unsightly wind turbines. Others are Banana (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything). And yet others are Nope (Not On Planet Earth). There is too much oil, “enough to deep fry the planet.”
Dr. Steve Goreham, Executive Director of the Climate Science Coalition of America, and author of Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism, described the collateral damage from the war on hydrocarbons using Europe as an example of an “energy disaster unfolding.” He said, “there are 487 national climate change laws in 66 nations” and they are hurting the economies of those respective countries.
Europe is a basket case of subsidized and mandated renewables that has resulted in higher electricity rates for customers, causing electricity penury among some of the citizens of Germany. Giving renewables output priority, energy from other sources like nuclear, hydropower, and fossil fuels was scaled back. Germany shut down nuclear power plants and Germany and France banned hydraulic fracturing. The market for electricity and wholesale prices became dependent on the mercy of weather and wind, regardless of demand.
There was a massive installation of solar panels in Germany even though Germany is not exactly the sunshine state. Spain decided to use Diesel generation for its solar panels because the solar panel electricity was too expensive, 23 cents per kWh. The ugly wind turbines everywhere produced inefficient and undependable electricity.
Dr. Goreham also mentioned that some countries imported wood from Alabama to burn as electricity generator instead of dirty coal. The Green Revolution has been so expensive for Europeans that subsidies were dropping in every area, followed by layoffs in the renewable industry. The wind industry in the U.S. gets 2.3 cents per kWh in tax credit in order to compete.
Even though IPCC said that “burning biomass is carbon neutral,” the reality is that biofuels release as much or more carbon dioxide than coal does. And the trading of carbon on the carbon markets is failing. People can pay all the carbon footprint taxes in the world and it will not make a bit of difference in the actual CO2 in the atmosphere. It will just make the traders and the companies richer.
Dr. Fred Singer, physicist and emeritus professor of environmental science at the University of Virginia, reminded us that the climate change industry does not take into account the CO2 emissions from operation and maintenance of renewables such as how often these devices must be replaced (solar panels, wind turbines, parts, lubricants), and the transmission costs. Wind and solar power does emit CO2 in the construction process, during the mining of the metals used, lubricants, etc.

Even the President blamed the low GDP on cold weather. Perhaps it is time for global warmists turned climatists to be exposed again.
Honest scientists say that we have enough fossil fuels reserves for centuries of use. In the world’s economy renewables should compete without subsidies, we should worry about the Smart Grid’s vulnerability from hackers, solar flares, and EMPs, we should conserve energy wisely, protect nature sensibly, and let the carbon credits scheme go into the trash bin of expensive hustles.

One thought on “The Climate Change Industry Changes the Energy Market

  1. Like Agenda 21, Like the WTO and all the crippling idealogy of importing your needs from other nations under theguise of Global Trading and supposed Free Trade Agreements that are never Free and certainly never fair, Climate change as proposed by those of the Left side of Politics is all about control and manipulation.

    May I remind all people that the old saying from a purported german catholic Priest is a warning Unite to fight this Evil or perish.

    First they came for the Communists, I said Nothing
    Then they came for the Unionists, I said Nothing
    Next they came for the Jews, I said nothing
    Now they come for the Merchants, I said Nothing
    Finally they came for Me, There was nobody left to say Anything.

    That was a piece about the Nazi’s, But before people once more equate that Evil with being Right Wing or Conservative let me reming them the name of the Nazi party was.

    Nationalsozialische Duetsche Arbieterpartie or in plain English.
    The National Socialist German Workers Party otherwise abreviated to NSDAP.

    The current Left wing Idealogy imitates closely the idealogy and ultimately will imitate the very methodology as espoused by the Nazi party.

    Remember the Brown Shirt Thugs the Modern equivalent are Violent Muslim Immigrants forced onto Christian Civilation by the Left.

    In our schools world wide in Christian Western Culture just as with Nazi Germany Brainwashing and false idealogy is being implimented by rote and stealth.

    To not repeat the mistakes of Histroy we must learn from the past, Recognise Evil doctrine and idealogy when once more it rears it’s ugly head and stand united to defeat it before we have to repeat once more the widespread trauma and bloodshed and waste of lives we saw during the Second World War.

    Never Forget those of the Left embody all that was Evil from Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Mao with Tojo and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem thrown in for good measure.
    The Later being the real father of the Holocaust, Amin Al Husseini Grand Mufti of Jerusalem the leader of the Muslims.

    In November 1941, the Mufti met with Hitler, who told him the Jews were his foremost enemy. The Nazi dictator rebuffed the Mufti’s requests for a declaration in support of the Arabs, however, telling him the time was not right. The Mufti offered Hitler his “thanks for the sympathy which he had always shown for the Arab and especially Palestinian cause, and to which he had given clear expression in his public speeches….The Arabs were Germany’s natural friends because they had the same enemies as had Germany, namely….the Jews….” Hitler replied:

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