The Schengen Agreement, Syrian Invasion, and Refugee Resettlement

If you cross the border illegally in most countries you are going to jail for a long time, you are beaten, raped, tortured, you may not be heard from again, and you may be treated as a spy; in the U.S. you may be caught, released, if you are lucky, or deported to come back again. Continue reading

For-Profit Hospitals Compatible with Universal Health Care

The Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank released a study today which found that “based on experiences of other countries, for-profit hospitals and insurers are compatible with universal health care.”
The study analyzed the universal health-care systems of six countries – Australia, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland. Continue reading

The Chickens of Communism Have Come Home to Roost

McCarthy Joe McCarthy
The chickens of intolerance and communist social justice have come home to roost on the American campus. Decades of Marxist indoctrination by the vaunted communist academia are finally paying off — our cultural heritage is replaced by cultural Marxism and primitive cultures that are deemed superior to ours and worshipped. Continue reading

Would President Trump Fix the “Broken” Immigration?

We keep hearing that our current immigration system is broken and it must be overhauled to better serve the immigrants, especially the illegal ones. And in this process, it seems that immigration, whether legal or illegal, is not necessarily run in the best interest of the American people, but in the best interest of crony capitalists and the ruling elites. Continue reading

The Paris Massacre, Social Justice, and Redistribution of Wealth

Social justice is defined as “promoting a just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity.” It can only exist when “all people share a common humanity and therefore have a right to equitable treatment, support for their human rights, and a fair allocation of community resources.”

There are many problems with this definition. Continue reading

Mob Rule Demands in Higher Education

“The people that hate this country, people that despise it, people who grew up being taught what a rotten place this was all the way back in the sixties through today are running the country now.” – Rush
I’ve always suspected that in higher education football was king and liberal arts programs were more about socialist indoctrination than about education. There are exceptions in science majors which prepare students with college degrees to be meaningful contributors to society and tomorrow’s inventors. Continue reading

Global Governance to Subvert our Sovereignty through Mayors

Another program/initiative will be implemented quietly around the country in 2016 while American citizens are blissfully unaware. The United States Council of Mayors (USCM) has announced in March 2015 that they are supporting the Global Parliament of Mayors.
The announcement seems innocuous enough. We have global partnerships springing up all the time now. Our children are being indoctrinated in public and private schools to become global citizens, with no allegiance to their own country; they belong to the globe, with United Nations at the helm. Many institutions of higher learning and k-12 advertise proudly the preparation of the global citizens. Continue reading

Should Illegal Aliens Not Get to the Back of the Line?

Millions and millions of legal aliens past and present must feel pretty betrayed and foolish that they have followed the law, spent endless hours filling out paperwork, paid expensive fees, waited and waited, traveled to immigration offices sometimes in faraway places at great cost to them, subjected themselves to interrogations, fingerprinting, medical tests to prove that they were healthy, undergoing financial cross-examination to make sure they would not become a burden to American society, in order to legally immigrate to the United States as resident aliens. Continue reading

A Visit to Ca’D’Zan and to The Ringling Brothers Museum

Ca'D'Zan Ca’D’Zan Mansion
Photo: Ileana Johnson Oct. 2015
On a beautiful October day, we finally experienced Ca’D’Zan, the House of John, the 1920s Venetian Gothic palace on Sarasota Bay, home of John and Mable Ringling, their Museum of Art, and the beautiful gardens decorated with replicas of Italian statues. Located in Sarasota, Florida, the property was bequeathed to the state of Florida in 1936. Continue reading

Engineered Migration and Demographic Suicide

As the engineered tide of illegal immigrants is flooding Europe and North America, small countries are overwhelmed and have made inefficient and weak attempts to stem this deluge and to close the Schengen zone borders. Continue reading