Stalin’s Meditations through the Writing of Dr. Watson

Struggling to survive on $3.10 minimum wage of 1978 America, I never envied or blamed anyone for my state in life. I understood the work ethic and the fact that everybody had to start at the bottom and climb the ladder of success if they worked hard.
I came here for the opportunities America offered. I wished to study and earn my Ph.D., raise a family, and be free under capitalism. I did not want my whole life to be watched by the dreaded communist police state and to stand in line for hours every day for our food. I was tired of poverty, fear, misery, and exploitation.
I never really talked about my former life publicly because I had a healthy dose of fear of all the communist agents that had infiltrated the west. I knew they were everywhere, hiding in plain sight in American society. Every knock on the door threw me into a panic – I was reliving the dreaded 2 a.m. knock on our apartment door in Romania.
On the days when the drudgery of being a low-paid secretary was discouraging, I imagined the innocent and happy eyes of my future children who would grow up to experience freedom, parental love, no hunger, a nice home of their own, toys, books, abundant water and electricity, and plenty of clothes to keep them warm.
I can still see in my mind’s eyes the twinkle of happiness when my Dad would bring home something special, grapes in winter, a pear, a banana, or an orange. I wanted to be able to do that for my children every day, without having to stand in endless lines and then come home empty-handed.
Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Ceausescu, and all those who forced communism and its police state upon millions, were truly evil and Machiavellian tyrants thirsty for absolute power and control.
Dr. Emile E. Watson wrote in 1952, on the occasion of Joseph Stalin’s 72nd birthday, “Meditations of Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili, alias Joseph Stalin,” with the idea to let “the aging Stalin, in his own words,” explain his world communism because the “ignorance of Communism has been a costly luxury for the American people.” (Meditations of Joseph Stalin, The American Coalition, Southern Building, Washington 5, D.C., 1952)
At that time, Dr. Watson’s book was recommended reading for high school students by The National Americanism Commission of The American Legion.
Millions of Stalin’s communist agents were spread around the globe, his “undercover army” mounting ideological attacks on the “social, political, cultural, and religious edifices of civilized society.” Dr. Watson criticized our foreign policy which he believed was based on “stupidity and the appeasement of Communism.”
In writing this book, necessitated by the fact that there were “several hundred thousand American Communists and fellow travelers in the United States,” Dr. Emile E. Watson consulted with “nine men in the United States and Canada” who were authorities on the subject of communism and of Stalin.
Stalin grew up in a blue collar family – his father was a shoe cobbler and alcoholic who beat his only child, and his mother was a laundress; they lived in squalor and poverty. He trained for five years at the Tiflis Theological Seminary. His life in such an austere and monastically simple environment may have contributed to his sullen and despondent disposition, while his atheism flourished.
Stalin’s insubordination resulted in his expulsion from the seminary, perhaps guiding him into a future of street activism, crime, and revolution. Having been beaten repeatedly by his father, Stalin became brutal himself and a master at “evasion, trickery, and deception” while pretending to champion the cause of the poor and downtrodden.
After meeting Lenin in 1905 at a revolutionary party meeting in Tammerfors, Finland, Joseph V. Djugashvili was accepted into the ruling elites of the Party. His prior activities of payroll and bank robberies which funded the Bolsheviks, opened up new opportunities for the constantly unemployed and unskilled Joseph, nicknamed by Lenin, Stalin (Man of Steel). But Lenin found him so capricious that he left instructions in his January 4, 1923 last will and testament that Stalin be removed from the position of General Secretary.
Sentenced to various jail terms and exile in Siberia between 1902 and 1917, the criminally-inclined Joseph changed his name 20 times and found ways to run subversive activities from various czarist prisons and even from Siberia. His experience there taught him how to build later an escape-proof labor camp with the “largest prison and exile population in the world.”
The Bolsheviks, who seized control in 1917, did not want a constitution that would interfere with what they wanted to do. After the Bolshevik dictatorship was entrenched, a Stalin constitution was adopted in 1929 which solidified a government based on “force, violence, recognizing no legal restraints, subject to no laws whatsoever.”
Stalin’s totalitarianism was validated when the United States gave the Soviet Union diplomatic recognition in 1933. And, on August 17-24, 1943, at the first Quebec conference, a “death sentence was passed on freedom for Eastern Germany, Eastern Europe, North Korea, Manchuria and China.”
Dr. Watson explained that Roosevelt, “like most of the people of the United States, did not comprehend what Communism really is, how it works, and what it intends to do to the rest of the world.” The world did not understand how truly evil Stalin was. Contemporary Americans still have no idea how oppressive communism is and turn a deaf ear to survivor stories and to historical accounts.
The Soviet participation in the United Nations was not geared towards “world peace,” whatever that means, but to create “enmity and division among the non-Communist countries to the detriment of the United States.”
Stalin turned North Korea into a mini-Soviet Union and “trained and equipped a native army” which resulted in a conflict that the United Nations called, in liberal euphemistic fashion, a “police action,” while Stalin described the Communist Chinese fighters in Korea as “volunteers;” and millions of Chinese were subjugated to the will of Kremlin’s communist apparatus.
Stalin took absolute economic control by nationalizing light and heavy industries, commerce, arable land, subsoil, minerals, and water resources. Nothing was left to chance. Private mom and pop enterprises were forced to deliver any surplus to the Bolsheviks at very low and fixed prices, making it highly unprofitable to produce anything except subsistence crops and goods.
Lenin tried in 1921 to reverse the economic disaster and the depopulation of cities caused by the lack of food and succeeded in bringing in surpluses. “By 1927 there was plenty of food in Moscow and in other cities.” The free enterprise system worked beautifully.
Stalin stepped in and, in 1928 private enterprise took a dive again when he forced collectivization which caused massive starvation in Russia in 1932. “From 1932 on, the Bolshevik regime went through one crisis after another, each worse than the other.”
The Bolshevik collectivism confiscated the peasants’ homes, livestock, tools, and placed them in the ownership of the new collective farm. Farmers were forced to work for their own subsistence, giving the lion’s share to the communists. Growers who resisted this massive confiscation became “enemies of the state” and were loaded onto cattle trains and sent into labor camps in Siberia where they succumbed to cold, hunger, and the backbreaking work.
Many farmers burned their barns, granaries, and killed their animals rather than turn them over to the Soviets – “50 percent of their horses, 45 percent of their cattle, and two-thirds of their sheep and goats.” Fifteen million died of starvation in the famine that ensued. And news of the disaster, like any other purge, was never allowed to travel outside of the Soviet Union.
To completely root out capitalist ideas and to fundamentally transform society, the ruthless communists formed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1922-1991) which forced people speaking 150 languages and dialects into a huge social engineering project.
“Whole populations, especially in the area of Western Europe, were uprooted. Hundreds of thousands of Jews, Poles, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Letts, Estonians, Germans and others were torn from their families and lands and shipped to remote regions.” All the groundwork was led by the “Communist Fifth Column directed from Moscow.”
Stalin wanted to make sure that the Communist Party survived long after he was gone, controlling the future of all human beings. Bolsheviks, he admitted, should have never been invited as part of the United Nations because they are “permanently at war, war against their own people and against the world.”
“We are war makers and will continue so until we have conquered the world,” Dr. Watson wrote in his book.
What kept millions and millions of Iron Curtain citizens compliant? They had been disarmed, unable to defend themselves, and were frightened by the 2 o’clock a.m. knock on the door when the political police might whisk them away, never to be seen again. This reign of “mute terror” kept them under control. The large contingent of family and neighbors turned police informers on each block were also a force to be feared.
How were so many people lured into accepting communism in the first place? It was plain discontent with one’s miserable status in life and unfettered envy of those who were successful. Communism was presented as the “drowning man’s last hope.” The false and deceptive slogan “forward” did not include personal responsibility for one’s choices in life, it was always someone else fault and nanny communism was there to fix it.
“Victims of poverty, disease, illiteracy and insecurity complexes, frustration, over-emotionalism, racial, religious and political intolerance, an urge of recognition of power are the motivating forces causing discontent among the peoples of the earth.”
Labor leaders in America had become pro-communist, undermining the very capitalist system which provided them with good wages and a standard of living far superior to any communist country.
It is incomprehensible how so many Americans can undermine their own capitalist way of life even today. That is because few understand how the kudzu seed of communism was sown into labor unions, government, and other institutions. Communism was presented as a magical cure for all diseases that “plague” the “socially unjust” capitalism.
The three steps that Stalin used to take over his communist satellite countries were:
1. Sending in agents for propaganda, agitation, and street organization.
2. Organize a Fifth Column (overt of covert operatives) and direct it.
3. Take over the government.
In the Soviet Union Stalin controlled the Communist Party, its Central Committee, and the ultimate power broker, the Politburo. He controlled the state, the Communist Party, and the international communist movement.
He kept two million policemen to control the 300 million Sovietized Russians; additionally, he had the military and the infamous slave labor camps.
The M.V.D., the political police of two million, included agents who were assigned to watch the secret police. And then there was an inner group of thousands of specially-chosen men who answered only to Stalin.
The M.V.D., similar to Hitler’s Gestapo, was organized around regiments, divisions, an air force, tanks, infantry, and artillery. The inner army suppressed rebellions, controlled the railroads, borders, factories, power plants – “the obedience-compelling arm.”
“Every factory, every railroad and every government enterprise were controlled and held in check by these fractions and the M.V.D.”
The masses were also controlled by forcing them to join organizations such as labor syndicates, the young communist league, mandatory professional organizations, or the elementary school “pioneers” with their red scarves and revolutionary berets emblazoned with communist symbols.
Stalin’s Secretariat appointed representatives to all government agencies and to the Communist Party. These hand-picked representatives reported only to the Secretariat and “were authorized to appoint, remove, or command the personnel of any committee or agency.”
Doctors were his medical henchmen. Those who were suspected of harboring divergent opinions were murdered through slow-acting poisons. Lenin’s death is alleged to have been hastened this way.
Stalin was the ultimate dictator and ruler. He arrested, removed, and disposed of members of the Central Committee and Politburo, disappearing them overnight, even removing them from previously published photographs. Stalin was the final decision-maker who imprisoned 12 million Russians in forced labor camps, lording over his slave labor state.
A master in the art of indoctrination, Stalin took over the schools and dictated the curriculum, emphasizing Marx’s, Engels’, and Lenin’s Socialism and vilifying capitalism, molding the youth, controlling the press, radio, and movies. His cult of personality included adulation ceremonies, May 1 parades, military parades, large statues of himself and portraits placed in every institution, factory, and classroom. Journalists and artists were censored.
Bolshevism used propaganda to “create a breakdown between the more backward and undeveloped nations and the West, or as Lenin said, ‘to separate the metropolis from the hinterland,’ … a grand design of economic and political warfare.”
To disrupt the capitalist world economically, Stalin used communist-controlled or communist-influenced labor unions and the diplomatic campaign of “peace” while he thought of nothing else but “to sharpen my knife to cut their throats.”
The long-range Soviet plans to destabilize and destroy other governments also included “undermining their governments and institutions, organize their workers, and steal their secrets, including the atom bomb.”
During Stalin’s reign, Dr. Watson wrote, there were “half-million Communists and fellow travelers in the United States, plus hundreds of communist-front organizations and their subversive publications, with little opposition. Daily these are undermining the moral fiber of the people, and especially the youth.”
Stalin boasted, Dr. Watson wrote, that “My agents and fellow travelers are so deeply infiltrated into the fabric of the United States that they have become a powerful influence in government, industry, labor, education, and religion.”
His agents infiltrated public schools and colleges in the U.S. in the name of “progressive education” which was interpreted to suit their purposes. Dr. Watson wrote that the infiltration was facilitated by the “pirate method.” It was so much easier to enter a port and assault it by taking down the pirate flag and raising the flag of the country to be raided.
Stalin used psychological warfare to capture the empty minds of the young who were craving for direction. Planting an idea is inexpensive and long-lasting, Dr. Watson wrote. Feeding the empty stomachs like the Americans do, he said, is lost overnight.
Dr. Watson wrote, “Hollywood is a powerful outlet for undermining the Capitalist system by creating doubts in the minds of the adults and, above all, the youth of the United States and other nations to which American films are exported.”
Stalin admitted that communists are dangerous like him because they have no ethics, no integrity, and recognize no moral law. They keep no promises or pledges, except those that are to their advantage. They place no value on human life and suffer no “disturbance of conscience.”
Dr. Watson wrote that our “nation will never fall if the majority of its leaders and people cling to the hand of God, creating a rebirth of religion and morality.”

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