Cultural Marxism Indoctrination into Islam through Opera

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Photo: Wikipedia
The “enlightened” and multicultural” public from Cluj Napoca attended recently Karl Jenkins’ The Armed Man, a Mass for Peace, an “opera that included a Muslim muezzin chanting the call to prayer.” It was a thinly-veiled attempt to force Romanians to accept the Cultural Marxism agenda of the European Union which is implemented through the heavy islamization of Europe’s population. Continue reading

Catalonia and Its Referendum on Independence from Spain

Catalonia satellite image March 8, 2010
Photo: Wikipedia
Catalonia is located on the eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula and has a population of 7.52 million people. Catalonia has a distinct history, culture, and language. Its main city, Barcelona, was captured in 1714 by the first Bourbon king of Spain, Felipe V, and Catalonia lost its autonomy. Catalonia’s national day, September 11, commemorates this event. Continue reading