They Love Globalism and I Know Why

Wladyslaw Szpilman Photo: Wikipedia
I was seated recently at a table of educated Romanians, late twenties and early thirties, lawyers, businessmen, teachers, engineers, doctors, and lobbyists for various globalist non-profits in D.C. Continue reading

U.N. Planned International Flood of Migrants

Refugee trash left behind on Europe’s highways
In case you were wondering about the planned invasion of Europe and other developed nations, including the United States, wonder no more. Today, The International Organization for Migration, a United Nations Migration Agency, funded partially and generously with your taxpayer dollars for 65 years, is holding an International Dialogue on Migration in New York, on April 18-19, with the theme, “Strengthening International Cooperation on and Governance of Migration towards the Adoption of a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration in 2018.” Continue reading

Who Stokes the Fire of Globalism?

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
― Winston S. Churchill

A total stranger asked me recently to name the one person who has done more damage to the U.S. by stoking the global communism fire. The answer is rather complex but I gave him a simplistic one – the education system with its hundreds of thousands of teachers who indoctrinate children eight hours a day, from kindergarten through college, into the utopia called Marxism. He had asked for the name of the one omnipotent person he wanted held responsible for the destruction of our country and the social engineering of western civilization. Continue reading

Mocking Reality as Conspiracy Theory

barney-miller Photo credit: Wikipedia
The globalists are steam rolling their way to a November victory at all costs. Nobody is standing in their way. As the brilliant late comedian George Carlin said, the real owners of this country will not let us make any important decisions. He told his audience that politicians are elected to give us a false sense that we have a choice but in reality we don’t because, he told us, “they own you.” Continue reading

De-Nationalize and Globalize at the Expense of Working Families in America

Liberty on Life Support I have described in my book, “Liberty on Life Support,” the American economy and the country in general as a comatose patient. There was even a widely circulating cartoon on social media picturing Uncle Sam on a hospital gurney, attached to life support, barely clinging to life. At first glance it may seem a gross exaggeration until you actually look at the national debt clock, understand the true state of the economy, the condition of the socialist and collectivist education driven by Common Core, and the political power and corruption. Continue reading

Globalism through U.N.’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and Vision 2050

54adfa0ce58ece23a9000044_vincent-callebaut-s-2050-parisian-vision-of-a-smart-city-_paris_2050_-no_title--530x401 Vincent Callebaut 2050 Parisian vision
Four years ago, a man was convicted of collecting rainwater and snow runoff on his property and served a 30-day jail sentence in Medford, Oregon, while the developing world is trashing their environment at alarming rates, suffocating waterways, rivers, and lakes with trash and refuse. Continue reading

De-Nationalize and Globalize

The new American flag
I have described in my book, “Liberty on Life Support,” the American economy and the country in general as a comatose patient. There was even a widely circulating cartoon on social media picturing Uncle Sam on a hospital gurney, attached to life support, barely clinging to life. At first glance it may seem a gross exaggeration until you actually look at the national debt clock, understand the true state of the economy, the condition of the socialist and collectivist education driven by Common Core, and the political power and corruption. Continue reading

A Cancer across the Earth Called Globalism

I just returned from a two week trip to Romania and, I am sad to say, what many have warned us about years ago, has come to pass even in Romania, the country that had suffered so much under four decades of communist dictatorship. They managed to replace one evil master, the communists, with another, the globalists/corporatists/statists. Continue reading

Climate Change Causes Everything So Let’s Fundamentally Change Our Economy

Photo: Ileana Johnson, 2014

Photo: Ileana Johnson, 2014

As the global warming alarmists tell us that the science is settled, there is no debate, and government bureaucrats are going full-speed ahead with taxation plans that will further weaken our already suffering economy, honest and wise politicians like Delegate Scott Lingamfelter of Virginia ask, “let’s see the physical science, not the political science before we strap Americans with huge taxes as the Obama Administration wants to do.” We should not formulate public policy such as carbon tax when the real science is constantly changing. Continue reading