Cultural Marxism and Euphemisms


Cultural Marxist academics, their sycophant students, and the main stream media are at war with America – a war of violent Marxist ideology and a war of cleverly chosen words and euphemisms that appear time and time again in many college courses, high school classes, in propaganda literature, newspapers, conferences, and in the manufactured news. Cultural Marxists are regular guests on all the alphabet soup networks masquerading as real news, spewing their hatred, their disdain and disrespect for our President, and their calls to renewed violence in the streets through their masked Black Shirts. Continue reading

Immigrants Should Make America Better, Not Worse

Corey_Stewart_(Chairman,_Prince_William_County,_VA),_Nov_2016 Corey Stewart, PWC Chairman Photo: Wikipedia
Prince William County Chairman, Corey Stewart, Republican candidate for Governor of Virginia, said during a press conference, “On behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Prince William County, I’m requesting the Trump administration to identify, detain and remove the 7,500 criminal illegal aliens that we have handed over to ICE over the past 10 years.” According to Stewart, the criminal aliens were handed over by local law enforcement to ICE under a program called 287g. “Of the 7,500, 1,000 have been rearrested.” Continue reading

Why Is Donald Trump Good for America?

Donald_August_19_(cropped) Donald Trump
Rally in New Hampshire 8-19-2015 Photo: Wikipedia
The often ostentatious Trump irritates Democrats, the liberal media, and the establishment Republicans for many reasons. They cannot understand how his popularity soars in the polls no matter what he says and what they do to unseat him, or what dirt, real or imagined, they try to dig up. Continue reading

The Breakdown of Family and the Degradation of Society

I was surprised by the statement made by former Florida governor Jeb Bush at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference in 2013. “Immigrants create far more businesses than native-born Americans. Immigrants are more fertile, and they love families, and they have more intact families, and they bring a younger population. Immigrants create an engine of economic prosperity.” (Aaron Blake, Jeb Bush: U.S. Economy needs immigrants because they’re ‘more fertile,’ Washington Post, June 14, 2013) Continue reading