The #resist Movement as an International Phenomenon

The #resist movement in this country started, by their own website admission, fifty years ago with the protest against the war in Vietnam. Today, they are resisting with vile language and actions our President Trump, his administration, police, all rational Americans who do not believe in anthropogenic global warming/climate change, our borders, our sovereignty, free markets, and anything rational that involves thought instead of rabid feelings. ANTIFA, a very fascistic organization, and BLM, a very racist organization, and pink vagina-hats women, are the most prominent and visible groups of the #resist movement. Continue reading

Through the Fog of Time

My childhood creek
Photo: Ileana Johnson 2015
As we age, humans tend to mellow out and nothing that had previously been that important matters anymore in the grand scheme of things. All struggles, frustrations, successes, victories, defeats, losses, and gains, dissipate in the fog of time. Regrets and memories of opportunities lost, of physical pain, of mental anguish and frustration diminish, replaced by arthritis, loneliness, and loss of loved ones. The struggle is still there for billions of others, very real and painful, but it seems almost irrelevant to us. Continue reading

Christmas, the Season of Faith, Family, and Charity

Christmas caroling in Romania, 1841 Photo: Wikipedia
Christmas was my Dad bringing home proudly a scraggly fir with sparse branches – fragrant with the smell of winter, tiny icicles hanging from the branches, miniature crystal daggers, melting on my mom’s well-scrubbed parquet floor. I never knew nor asked how he could afford it from his $70 a month salary that barely covered the communist subsidized rent, utilities, and food. No matter how bare the branches of my Christmas tree were, it was magical to me. Continue reading

Cultural Marxism Indoctrination into Islam through Opera

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Photo: Wikipedia
The “enlightened” and multicultural” public from Cluj Napoca attended recently Karl Jenkins’ The Armed Man, a Mass for Peace, an “opera that included a Muslim muezzin chanting the call to prayer.” It was a thinly-veiled attempt to force Romanians to accept the Cultural Marxism agenda of the European Union which is implemented through the heavy islamization of Europe’s population. Continue reading

Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse

Photo: Ioana Boliga
On a sunny and breezy June 24, 2017, a group of over 100 Romanians from states and suburbs surrounding Washington, D.C., have gathered in front of the State Capitol’s reflecting pool to pose for a group picture in celebration of the Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse called “ie,” a hand-woven and hand-sewn artisanal blouse. Women from the three regions of Romania, Transylvania, Moldova, and Wallachia, have sewn these intricate works of art for centuries. Continue reading

Who Stokes the Fire of Globalism?

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
― Winston S. Churchill

A total stranger asked me recently to name the one person who has done more damage to the U.S. by stoking the global communism fire. The answer is rather complex but I gave him a simplistic one – the education system with its hundreds of thousands of teachers who indoctrinate children eight hours a day, from kindergarten through college, into the utopia called Marxism. He had asked for the name of the one omnipotent person he wanted held responsible for the destruction of our country and the social engineering of western civilization. Continue reading

#Resist, a Global Commie Totalitarian Movement

Fourth book cover
The leftist hordes of a communist political culture are on the march around the globe, in alliance with Islamofascism. These young people are shaped by universities, the media, Hollywood with their trashy productions and vile behavior, corrupt politicians with allegiance only to their own pockets, the multi-nationals, the corrupt judiciary, unions, and non-profits with billions and billions of dollars of funding from elitist billionaires such as George Soros who fancy themselves the social engineers of one world government and of the climate change industry. Continue reading

Mamaia Niculina’s Parsley and Humble Self-Sufficiency

mamaia-niculina I wrote about relative paucity and poverty in this country, describing how the Census data does not take into account the generous welfare system in their poverty formulation, but strictly considers the annual income ceiling of a family of four. Continue reading

How Much Did the Equally-Poor Proletariat Travel?

Romanian Family Rare photo of my mom and dad (second row left) and my grandma (bottom row), taken in the village
For the first twenty years of my life, I never traveled much. I have actually seen more of the world since I escaped the clutches of Ceausescu’s communism than I had actually seen of my own country as I was growing up. I changed that in the last five years when my husband and I did cover at least half of Romania. But I still have not seen the other half and I find that to be so sad because Romania is not that big of a country. It is beautiful, with stunning vistas and a rich history, but very small when compared to the United States. And I have seen a lot of the United States! Continue reading

Romania’s Prime Minister, Dacian Ciolos, Visits Washington

Dacian Ciolos, Prime Minister of Romania Dacian Ciolos, Prime Minister of Romania
Photo: Ileana Johnson 2016
The Prime Minister of Romania, Dacian Ciolos, following a visit to Washington, spoke at the Romanian Embassy to specially invited members of the influential Romanian community from the Washington area.
His excellence, George Cristian Maior, Romanian Ambassador to Washington, welcomed the Prime Minister, his cabinet, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and all invited guests. Continue reading