My “I Can’t Believe This is Happening to America” list is growing larger by the day. It is so vast now, I can write a book. Would my book have an audience? Judging by the eagerness with which most Americans have embraced the transformational hope and change of our country to communist utopia, the answer is no.
I can’t believe New Yorkers have elected a blatant Marxist as their mayor. I can’t believe Terry McAuliffe is the governor of Virginia. The American men who fought in the Revolutionary War must be turning in their graves knowing that the hallowed ground in Virginia they defended against the British tyranny is now run by Marxist Democrats.
I voted last Tuesday, I took with me to the precinct a piece of toilet paper I found on my last trip to Romania, a “former” communist country where the apparatchiks went underground for a while and are now resurfacing with a vengeance. Twenty-four years later, the commies have not perfected the intricate art of making toilet paper – it was covered with splinters within the layers. On the bright side, this time toilet paper was available and I did not have to fight hundreds of people in line for three hours in order to purchase one roll. I showed my strip of toilet paper to the people who were checking I.D.s asking them if this was the kind of country they wanted. Most laughed, did not realize that I carried this over 7,000 miles with me, and turned back to their duties to make sure all the low information and illegal citizens voted. Why bother? It won’t happen here, we have everything, and we live in the land of abundance – for now.
It was a cruel joke to pretend that poll watchers were making sure voting was legitimate. All illegal aliens in my county have driver licenses. There is no place on the driver’s license that says, illegal or non-citizen, you cannot vote. Dead people voted early and repeatedly. The 2010 Census said that our county’s population grew by 40 percent in the last ten years and most of that growth came from the illegal alien population. They are not hiding in the shadows as progressives/Marxists say, they are living around us with no fear or deportation or shame of criminality.
I can’t believe our government would make 12 ads portraying young people, Millennials, as promiscuous individuals whose only goal in life is to hook up and engage in dangerous sexual activities with strangers and in life-altering practices for self-gratification. This is America, they should not have to control themselves, they have the freedom to be immoral – if it feels right, do it. But not to worry, if they enroll in Obamacare, the government will pay for all their mistakes, STDs, unwanted children, and all other purposeful missteps in life that have serious consequences.
I can’t believe that government would take control over our bodies, over every facet of our lives, break so many laws in such a short period of time that I’ve lost count, with nobody protesting, impeaching, or sending the offenders to prison.
I can’t believe our stellar medical care that is beneficial to Americans and people around the world is in such a state of chaos that quality and quantity may be gone in just a few short months. Doctors must be invited to participate in Obamacare in order for patients to keep their doctors in the exchanges and the selection process is secret.
I can’t believe our faith has been attacked to the point that Christians are cowering under the fear of government. Priests and men of cloth are beginning to preach communism every Sunday and support Islam.
I can’t believe the number of mosques that are mushrooming around the country literally overnight. But then we are tolerant in America to the point of foolishness while most Muslim countries do not tolerate Christianity except until recently, Egypt.
Hollywood does not make much fuss over the killing of Christians in Egypt and elsewhere. I wonder what keeps them from saving Tibet. I’ve seen “save Tibet” and “coexist” bumper stickers for decades now; Tibet is not saved, Darfur is still an awful place for non-Muslims and the only people willing to coexist are the Christians, not the Marxists or the Muslims.
I can’t believe our military is being destroyed and TSA goons with unreasonable power are in charge of our flying “safety.”
I can’t believe police is everywhere, cavity searching, car searching, and home searching, with or without probable cause, with or without warrants. I can’t believe most judges are now communist activists litigating from the bench the rules of Marxist utopia.
I can’t believe NSA is listening in, gathering data, and recording everything we do in the same vein that the Stasi in East Germany were spying on, listening in, and keeping detailed written records of the “Lives of Others.”
I can’t believe border patrols are told not to watch our borders. I can’t believe the illegal aliens’ blatant disregard for our laws and the gall to demand equal rights with Americans at the National Mall in D.C. while our veterans were denied access to the same mall where their memorials were erected.
I can’t believe Islam has infiltrated our country so deeply that imams are now demanding and succeeding in some parts of the country in installing Sharia Law as part of our legal system in violation of our Constitution.
I can’t believe our schools in many states are now bowing down to Islam while forbidding our Christian traditions, national anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, and our flag.
I can’t believe our doctors, medical care, and medical life and death decisions are now residing with 16,000 IRS agents who work with numbers but will decide and approve the necessity of our medical procedures.
I can’t believe people with rap sheets of criminality are now “navigators,” tasked to enroll Americans in Obamacare, and trusted with personal information, inviting massive fraud.
I can’t believe our military has turned into a compliant army of the administration, where sensitivity training towards gays and transgenders trumps our national security.
I can’t believe we are turning our food supply, preparation, and delivery to the Chinese and a few very large corporations.
I can’t believe we are turning into a welfare nation supported by part-time workers who cannot find jobs because they’ve been shipped overseas in the quest for cheap labor or because of the expensive cost of Obamacare that employers must partially bear.
I can’t believe our property rights, zoning, and water usage, passage, mineral and fossil fuel exploration rights will be turned over to the United Nations.
I can’t believe that our small arms will be confiscated eventually under the guise of the Small Arms Treaty.
I can’t believe most Americans are so gullible to believe the global warming hoax and the manufactured “consensus” paraded as faux science in the face of real scientific evidence to the contrary.
I can’t believe our currency has been so debased through the work of the Federal Reserve System which has been buying $85 billion worth of bonds each month, propping up Wall Street, not Main Street.
I can’t believe that 29 progressives wrote Common Core education standards, using $178 million in funds from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with the intent of turning our children into good little communist subjects, yet Americans think that is good for the country. I can’t believe that the curriculum was not scrutinized by those in charge from the 45 states that adopted Common Core indoctrination.
I can’t believe that our education will be further dumbed down towards the collective mindset where American exceptionalism that gave us all the technological developments in the last 150 years will be relegated to the dust bin of history.
I can’t believe that we lost our country to Marxists and everybody seems to be preoccupied by the latest episode of their favorite reality show, sports team, vampire show, and witch show.
The Romans were dulled and bought with “pane et circenses,” bread and circuses, and their end came at the hands of the invading hoards who refused to learn Latin and wanted to have what the Romans had, instant prosperity, property, and power.
My list of “I Can’t Believe This is Happening in America” grows each day. At what point my country is no longer America remains to be seen.
Absolutely wonderful observations of our failing nation. Do you think it’s too late to be saved? We have forsaken our “first love” Christ, sp based on the Bible, this deterioration should follow. . .so very sad to see such a wonderful country crumble so quickly . . .
Its never too late, Beth.
Like all other nations/empires throughout history, America HAD it all and LOST it all.
This time in history, this damn country called “America” lost it because her people chose to destroy her: some deliberately and some by idiocy.
And THAT is what we call “American exceptionalism.”
You are wrong. It is too late already. Just watch this video clip filmed in 1981 (!) and you will see how brilliantly KGB plans were executed by managing to turn Americans into the Nation of idiots:
Good comments … but what about this?–abc-news-topstories.html
That is the real problem. Hence, it is not anymore a matter of when they are coming but more so they are already here.