This is a wake-up call for young and old Americans, wearing Che Guevara t-shirts, Mao’s hammer and sickle t-shirts, holding “I support socialism” posters, and proudly displaying Hillary and Bernie bumper stickers, the ole Bernie who hates capitalism so much that he accepts political donations from evil capitalists, drives expensive cars, and owns and lives in pricey homes most of his supporters cannot afford.
If I could show young people today what communism is, those clamoring for socialism and communism to be brought to American shores, those who are tired of capitalism because they are so fat and happy, they want the challenge of poverty and want, the challenge of the communist code-speak of “social justice” and “egalitarianism,” I would send them to Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea for a few months so that they could experience first-hand what the utopia they see as paradise is like.
If I could show young Americans the rotten socialist countries that illegal aliens have fled, the same illegals who are now giving us the finger, burning and stomping our American flag, boldly waving their flags, the total disaster they have made of their countries, while demonizing our successful America that generously put them on welfare ahead of our veterans, perhaps you might see reality.
I would ask them to come with me to see where I grew up, the cinder block grimy apartments that are still standing today. The entrance and stairwell are unchanged; the damage from the 1977 earthquake is still visible, reinforced concrete pieces dangling on the side like loose teeth. The lives of ordinary people, the proletariat, are mostly unchanged too.
I would ask them to come shop in the same neighborhood shopping center now overrun by small individual shops looking like an ill-planned bazaar, with walls that have not been painted inside and outside for decades. The poverty and scars of communism are hard to erase by time when neglect is perennial and nobody cares about the proletariat poor.
The community organizing apparatchiks lived well then and the global communist elites live well today even though communism officially “fell” in 1989. Communism has morphed into a more powerful and insidious global movement that attacks and brainwashes the population through schools and bogus global warming.
I would take them to the city hospital with its dirty wards, broken cement floors, cracked walls, unused shower stalls, with blood and other bodily fluids staining the beds, the walls and the floors, and slimy smelly bathrooms that seldom see any disinfectant.
If they want Bernie’s socialism so badly, I would take them to Venezuela, formerly a well-off country with rich oil reserves, brought to bankruptcy and penury by the lying socialists who gave the poor a dusting of free food and basic medical care but when the money dried out due to gross mismanagement and theft of the economy by the ruling communist elites, the handouts disappeared. The incompetence of socialist and communist community organizers brought the country to its knees, with inflation exceeding five digits.
I would show you, dear Millennials aspiring for Bernie’s manufactured Socialist Democracy, Venezuelans standing in long lines for basics that you take for granted, food, toilet paper, diapers, detergent, or digging in trash cans for scrap food. I would show you Venezuelans having to kill zoo animals because they could not feed them and then cooking them for their families.
Perhaps you would be willing to be injected with medicine by doctors and nurses in dirty white coats using the same syringe and few needles, boiled in rusty pans because the clinic or hospital cannot afford autoclaves and disposable medical supplies, everything is rewashed and reused. Maybe you are willing to have root canal and surgery without local anesthesia?
Liberal women demand free birth control and menstrual pads because they are too entitled to take responsibility for their own existence and basic expenses, they want daddy government to take care of all their needs from cradle to grave while they stay glued to their social media profile on Instagram or watch with bated breath how many new fake friends and likes they may gain on Facebook. Be careful what you wish for because welfare dependency on government for all needs is a grave disease which is very hard to cure if ever.
Socialist countries, not the Fabian variety, cannot even provide such items for sale in the empty stores because they mismanage everything so disastrously. They are excellent speakers and community organizers who draw naïve and ignorant progressive fools into their ideological “everything free” fantasy.
You Millennials are not even sure which bathrooms to use or what gender to call yourselves, but your list of economic demands gets larger and larger every day; everything is a right in your brainwashed minds muddled by smoking too much pot; you listen to cunning communist teachers who have never traveled to, nor lived under a communist dictatorship but you believe them nevertheless.
Millennials should learn the facts of real historical events under socialism and communism from those who have experienced it and escaped from it, not the revisionist history in textbooks and the lies spun by the communist academia and financed by globalist billionaires who have made their fortunes under the much maligned capitalism.
Bernie Sanders is selling socialism to you, young and old Americans, a failed ideology of violence, confiscation of property and land, starvation, poverty, political oppression, and loss of freedom. There is no equality, compassion, and social justice under socialism and communism. There is no social justice at all, just exploitation of the weak and disarmed. The tyrants like Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Ceausescu, and Stalin, who had previously sold socialism to the masses have killed millions of their own people once those oppressed woke up and refused to follow the vicious path that destroyed their freedom and their lives.
From F. A. Hayek–‘The road to Serfdom,’ (chapter two/The Great Utopia) “Socialism in its beginning was frankly authoritarian, The french writers(The French Revolution) who laid the foundations of modern socialism had no doubt that their ideas could be put into practice only by a strong dictatorial government, Where freedom was concerned, the founders of socialism made no bones about their intentions. Freedom of thought they regarded as the root-evil of nineteenth-century society, and the first of modern planners, Saint-Simon, even predicted that those who did not obey his proposed planning boards would be “treated as cattle.”
Thank you, Herbert Richmond, for bringing this quote to the attention of the readers. Most Americans envision some type of Fabian socialism not the precursor to communism.