Hillary Clinton has recently visited Greenland to experience firsthand “global warming.” According to James Taylor, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellites have shown minimal if any reduction in polar ice caps since 1979 when their satellites were launched. “Whole Viking villages built in Greenland 1,000 years ago during the Medieval Warm Period, remain buried under hundreds of feet of snow and ice.” (James Taylor, “Hillary Needs a New Global Warming Travel Agent,” Forbes, June 6, 2012)
Progressive liberals in lock-step consensus are not allowing the global warming cash-cow fraud to die in spite of the fact that thousands of real scientists have debunked the notion that humans, with their mundane activities, can cause the global climate to change. A whole industry of snake oil salesmen was born, waiting in the wings to get rich off the sale of carbon credits and the “green” and “renewable” energy. The renewable part is a fallacy in itself – once energy is spent, it cannot be renewed.
Always at the forefront of progressivism, California lawmakers signed into law Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32) called the California Global Warming Act of 2006, a blue print of the UN Kyoto Accord of 1997.
Californians are organizing a rally in Sacramento on August 15, 2012 to protest California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the planned auction of carbon credits as a commodity on November 14, 2012.
CARB operates outside legislative oversight like the EPA. The cap and trade program will be implemented under the leadership of Mary Nichols and eleven board members appointed by Governor Jerry Brown. Businesses will pay billions of dollars and pass the cost onto hapless consumers. (http://www.cfactsocal.org/)
On the eve of the United Nations +20 Rio Earth Summit in Brazil, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has issued a 525-page report of “dire warnings” that the Earth’s strained environmental systems “are being pushed towards their biophysical limits.”
The doomsday picture includes but is not limited to the melting of the polar ice caps, deforestation of tropical jungles, loss of desert in Africa, out-of-control use of chemicals, and “emptying out of the world’s seas.” Rising sea levels, floods, droughts, collapse of fisheries, endangered coral reefs, endangered vertebrate species, doubling of greenhouse emissions, pesticide contamination, and other cataclysmic events are some of the consequences compiled in the last three years by a team of 300 UN commissioned researchers.
The upcoming conference on sustainable development in Rio de Janeiro on June 20-22, 2012 will discuss four of the success stories (eliminating ozone depleting chemicals, phasing out lead in gasoline, more access to water supplies, research of marine pollutants) of the 1992 Rio Conference on Biological Diversity, while lamenting the lack of success in other areas.
President Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic, a skeptic of global warming, told UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon that he would not attend the Rio+20 Earth Summit. Klaus’ 2007 book (“Blue Planet in Green Shackles – What is Endangered: Climate or Freedom?”) named environmentalism as the 21st century’s biggest threat to freedom, the market economy, and prosperity.” (Jennifer Rigby, The Prague Post)
“We have to say goodbye to unrealistic dreams of new sources of power and stop subsidizing these unprofitable sources by posing a burden on the consumer, either individual or corporate.” (President Vaclav Klaus, Energy Gas Storage Summit at Prague Castle, May 24, 2012)
“Change is possible,” says UNEP executive director Achim Steiner, “Given what we know, we can move in another direction,” away from the age of irresponsibility and towards global action. Is this global action changing fundamentally the way we live in order to accommodate the vision for the planet of a few environmental elites who would give precedence and rights to animals over humans?
If increased access to water is a success story, we must tell that to the people of Tombstone, Arizona, who were denied access to water following a devastating fire in 2011 that destroyed pipelines carrying water to a town of 1,600 residents. The only way residents were allowed to restore their water supply was with primitive tools and wheelbarrows, a herculean task since some sections of the pipes were buried under 12 feet of mud, following monsoon type rains and huge boulder fallout. The endangered Mexican spotted owl is why the EPA was imposing such stringent requirements. The reservoir is dry and the residents are running out of time to shore up their water supply before the new monsoon rains start.
The bankrupted farmers in San Joaquin Valley, California, who lost multi-generational farms when the government cut off their irrigation water, may also ask where is their increased access to water supply that the United Nations so proudly boasts. The government purposefully turned large sections of a previously lush and highly productive farming community into a dust bowl.
During the Rio conference of 1992, three documents were produced that have altered our lives in incremental steps and are now irreversible across the globe:
– The Framework Convention on Climate Change
– The Convention on Biological Diversity
– UN Agenda 21
The UN Agenda 21, although not ratified by Congress, has been quietly implemented all over the country at the local and state levels through ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) sponsored initiatives and visioning grants from various federal government agencies (EPA, Department of Energy, HUD, HHS), and NGOs (non-government organizations) such as the Sierra Club.
In light of the fact that it is a violation of the U.S. Constitution for a local or state government representative to collaborate with international bodies, ICLEI changed its name to Local Governments for Sustainability.
Some local and state governments are beginning to understand the private property grab and are pushing back. The state of Alabama passed Senate Bill (SB 477), “Due Process for Property Rights Act,” at the end of May 2012, approved unanimously by both State House and the Senate. The governor signed the bill into law, with total silence from the media. The law protects private property rights and forbids any state or local government agency to participate in UN Agenda 21. The law describes briefly how the UN Agenda 21 plan was devised at the 1992 “Earth Summit” in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (thenewamerican.com)
Other local boards and representatives, who understand fully what is at stake and stand to benefit directly from their collaboration with ICLEI and implementation of UN Agenda 21 goals, are forging ahead with their plans in spite of their constituents’ protests.
The World Bank published a report outlining how it will push economic development that conserves natural resources and controls pollution. Rachel Kyte, World Bank vice president for sustainable development, said, “We don’t have to have global agreements. It would be a whole lot easier if we had them, but we can move forward without them.” That is a scary proposition in a democracy.
Ban Ki-Moon, UN General Secretary, discussed the newest wealth re-distribution scheme, “Sustainable Energy for All,” pushing to eliminate fossil-fuel subsidies.
The Guardian received the leaked 81-page draft of Rio+20 document, “The Future We Want.” The good news is that the 180 governments that are expected to sign the draft are yet to agree on the exact wording; only 20 percent of the language has been approved so far. (John Vidal, The Guardian/UK, June 8, 2012)
The journal Nature published an article “Approaching a state shift in Earth’s Biosphere” on June 7, 2012. The lead author, Anthony Barnofsky, and its 21 “consensus” coauthors describe how human activity has brought the globe to a tipping point in which “planetary-scale critical transition” to a different environment will occur and the main culprit is international trade.
I used to think that the television docudrama, “Life Without People,” was a doomsday ridiculous scenario because it did not explain how people suddenly disappeared. Consensus of college professors with an agenda sounds compelling, but it is not science. Blaming international trade for global warming borders on the insane.
The paper warned, “humans have radically changed 43 percent of the Earth’s surface from its natural state” and have exceeded the 30 percent change that supposedly triggered the “last planetary-scale environmental shift 11,000 years ago when glaciers advanced and then retreated.” How they know with such precision what happened 11,000 years ago when meteorologists cannot even predict tomorrow’s weather accurately, baffles me. (Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post, June 7, 2012)
Were humans engaging in international trade 11,000 years ago? Did they have cars, factories, planes, boats, and all the other pollutants blamed for the current “dismal state of the planet?” Are humans that ignorant to believe the environmental nonsense that the planet is dying?