The keynote speaker at the ACT for America conference on September 11, 2014 was Judge Jeanine Pirro. ACT for America is a non-profit organization led by Brigitte Gabriel, author and terrorism expert.
Judge Pirro’s speech centered on the threat of ISIS, mirroring the non-profit organization’s goal of fighting Shariah Islamic Law in the United States and maintaining our freedoms and our Judeo-Christian foundation as intended by our Founding Fathers.
Echoed by many speakers during the three day conference, Judge Pirro challenged the deliberate misrepresentation that ISIS, the Islamic terrorist army alleged to number 30,000 in Iraq and Syria, is not about Islamic fanaticism. “If they’re not Islamic fanatics, what are they, Martians?” asked Pirro.
“The President says ISIS is not Islamic. Really? What is it, German? Have your read the Quran. Read the d-n thing and you’ll figure it out.”
Pirro criticized in her speech the administration’s domestic policy in regard to Islam. “They’ve removed all references to Islam and jihad from the training manuals and label the shooter of Fort Hood as committing an act of workplace violence,” even though the jihadi major talked to Anwar al-Awlaki, “a guy who was so dangerous that we had to kill him,” and the major carried around business cards with the words, “Soldier of Allah.”
She questioned this administration’s true allegiance and intent as reflected by U.S. actions in Egypt.
“We take out Mubarak who was actually an ally. We take out Gadhafi. We supported the Arab Spring, and it wasn’t democratic. But, Morsi gets elected. Obama’s first speech he gave in Cairo was about apologizing for who we are. We support Morsi because he was democratically elected. So was Hitler. They kick out Morsi and elect al-Sisi and the administration is still holding back. The administration is angry that the Muslim Brotherhood is out in Egypt. The Egyptians had the strength to throw out the Muslim Brotherhood! Shame on us because we don’t have the strength to throw them out of the U.S.”
Emphasizing that we need to be “morally right,” not “politically correct,” Judge Pirro said, “The people who started this country are turning over in their graves asking what in the world they did all of that for.” She repeated her warnings that the jihadist killing Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East “are coming for us,” here on U.S. soil, and are probably already here, entering through the southern border sieve.
Judge Pirro discussed the Benghazi attack and its implications. “I think about Benghazi. I wonder if the people in our government really want to protect us.” The four Americans who died two years ago “didn’t choose to be victims of that attack. Then our President and Secretary of State blamed the Benghazi attack on a video. Are you kidding me?”
It was certainly moving to hear the heartbreaking testimony of Tyrone Woods’ father. Tyrone chose to disobey orders and tried to save Ambassador’s Stevens’ life, paying with his own life in the process.
Judge Pirro explained how the administration “took Islam out of the talking points on Benghazi because we didn’t want to offend Muslims,” and how a video was purposefully blamed for the vicious attack even though, she reminded the audience, if a video was the culprit, which it was not, we still have freedom of speech in this country.
Why would officials deliberately misrepresent the reality that Islamists are out of control worldwide? “What do they gain by lying to us? They gain political office by lying to us,” Judge Pirro emphatically stated. Spending taxpayer money to apologize to the man who made the video was a fantasy to cover up for the claim that “Libya was normalized.”
She criticized the fact that this administration took two years to capture the mastermind of Benghazi. “They could not get him because he would say they were stupid for believing that a video caused it. The mastermind would say that we are stupid. It doesn’t take a video to make them hate us!”
Referring to the CIA operative, identified as Bob, who ordered the stand down and delay to save our trapped men, Pirro asked, “Who’s the stupid idiot that we have in our government that would order something like that?”
Judge Pirro ended her speech by warning Americans about the weakness of the electric grid, a grid vulnerable to terrorist physical and cyber-attacks. She reminded the audience about the attack on Silicon Valley a year ago when two individuals lifted heavy concrete slabs and cut the fiber optic cables underneath, and then shot transformers with AK47s. She told the audience that an “attack on the power lines left the entire nation of Yemen (23 million people) without power for a day.”
According to Forbes, “shortly after the damage of the first attack was repaired, militants reappeared for a second round, which led to the national power outage. The military responded with an operation that killed two attackers while wounding another six.”