The Center for Security Policy, Breitbart News, and the EMPAct America hosted on September 29, 2014, The National Security Action Summit II. The Washington, D.C. Marriott Wardman Park Hotel venue headlined former Vice President Dick Cheney, Dinesh D’Souza, and Dr. Ben Carson.
LTC Allen West, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Rep. Jim Bridenstine (OK-1), and Andrew McCarthy spoke about the ever increasing threats to our national security made possible by the administration’s foreign and defense policies.
The threat of ISIS which has already landed on our American shores with the first beheading of an Oklahoma woman by a convert to Islam, our porous borders, lack of enforcement of immigration laws, lack vetting of illegal immigrants carrying various communicable diseases that have spread among the U.S. population at large and in our schools, and the insurmountable national debt are issues important to the American people.
Senator Ted Cruz, Vice President Dick Cheney, Rep. Louise Gohmert, Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer, Rep. Michelle Bachmann, and Rep. Trent Franks addressed the audience in person or by video link.
The topics discussed included the worldwide threat and instability, the hollowing out of the U.S. military and its replacement with illegal aliens, the ideology and menace of the global jihad, Benghazi, the border insecurity, and the importance of Israel to American security interests.
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., President of the Center for Security Policy said, “Americans are increasingly aware that the world is becoming an ever-more-dangerous place. They expect their leaders to protect them and our vital interests around the world. The National Security Action Summit is a place where the best minds convene to lay out the best ideas for doing that.”
Yet the biggest threat to our national security, the escalating and impossible-to-ever-repay national debt, was not part of the discussion.