“The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe.” – Emeritus Professor Daniel Botkin
“Coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick. It’s global warming. It’s ruining our country. It’s ruining our world. – Harry Reid, U.S. Senate majority leader
Although I’ve had a best-selling book at Amazon since October 2012, “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy,” liberals and conservatives alike have called people like me tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist and “agender” simply because I have done my research and have found ample evidence of the existence of U.N. Agenda 21 Sustainable Development documents and related sites, international bodies, conferences, organizations, initiatives, and local zoning initiatives, changes and restrictions. http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf
I am vindicated since I have been joined by a number of conservative and liberal groups, most notably the number one conservative talk show host in the country. Rush discussed in his August 9, 2013 monologue how the “Regime plans to diversify your neighborhood,” a.k.a. social engineering. It is one of the goals of Agenda 21 to move people downtown into high-rise, mixed use buildings. Diversification may be as good an excuse as any.
Rush describes how “government wants control over the diversity of neighborhoods and they want to define it.” Forcing diversity will be achieved through “regulation, intimidation, denial of services, you name it” via the HUD policy called “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.” We witnessed in Europe the disastrous effects of forced diversity and multiculturalism.
There is a good reason why this administration is enamored of trains, resents American suburbia sprawl, segregated from the ghettoes downtown, and admires Europeans who use mostly mass transit. Europeans don’t have the “freedom or luxuries that Americans have.” “They are more constrained and they’re more controllable and people are more able to herd them and keep them together.” Rush continued, “They want people congregated in the cities.” The fact that Democrats claim that diversity is going to make humanity more successful is a “crock,” Rush says, “It’s all about control.”
And the inner city residents are not the only people this administration feels that they’ve been wronged. Democrat legislation passed in 2010 will buy back 10 million acres of private land with $2 billion taxpayer dollars to redistribute to 150 Native American tribes. According to Jim Hoft, the buyback is the result of a lawsuit and the private owners are “reluctant sellers.” Forty-five percent of the land will go to just seven tribes.
“We can improve Indian Country if people will go along with this program and sell their interests back to their tribes,” said Kevin Washburn, the head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. http://thegatewaypundit.com/2013/08/obama-administration-to-buy-back-10-million-acres-to-redistribute-back-to-native-americans/
It is not just giving land back, it is confiscation from private owners who are not necessarily willing sellers and giving it back to the wilderness, according to the Wildlands Map, building those Agenda 21 corridors of allowable human habitation, while at the same time seeking the additional goals of “equity” and “social justice.”
The Wildlands Map is the Simulated Reserve and Corridor system to Protect Biodiversity as mandated by the Convention on Biological Diversity, The Wildlands Project, U.N. and U.S. Man and Biosphere Program, and various U.N., U.S. Heritage Programs, and NAFTA. The green areas are allowed for housing, yellow areas are buffer zone with no homes, red areas are core reserves and corridors off-limits to human access and habitation, black areas are military reservations, and pink areas are Indian Reservations. There is an orange corridor with Mexico, 124 mile wide international zone of cooperation (NAFTA Agreement).
“The goal now is a socialist, redistributionist society, which is nature’s proper steward and society’s only hope,” said David Brower, founder of Friends of the Earth. Judi Bari, principal organizer of Earth First, added, “If we don’t overthrow capitalism, we don’t have a chance of saving the world ecologically. I think it is possible to have an ecologically sound society under socialism. I don’t think it is possible under capitalism.” Does anyone remember the air quality and the pollution haze during Olympics in communist China? I recall the heavy pollution we lived under in our Socialist “paradise.”
Agenda 21’s lynchpin is manufactured man-made global warming which is allegedly destroying the planet. Every bureaucrat and global elitist around the planet has jumped on this wealth redistribution and control bandwagon. Secretary of Defense John Kerry’s first major policy speech was about global warming/climate change.
The invented carbon credit programs to swap carbon pollution and the carbon tax are hugely unpopular with businesses but popular with bureaucrats, environmentalists, and traders. At the end of the day, the carbon tax or carbon credit swaps do little to reduce pollution, especially since China pollutes away unencumbered – they line the pockets of those involved in the scheme.
Kevin Rudd, Australia’s new prime minister has promised to kill the unpopular carbon tax in effect since July 2012. It has reduced emissions by 6.9 percent in the first year but it cost companies billions of dollars and higher energy prices for the average household. (Tim Devaney, The Washington Times, July 18, 2013)
Dr. James Taylor said in a recent article for Forbes that China alone emits more carbon dioxide than the entire Western Hemisphere. Dr. Taylor commented that “President Obama’s global warming plan will kill hundreds of millions of birds and bats, while doing little if anything to reduce global temperatures.” http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamestaylor/2013/07/29/president-obamas-climate-plan-would-kill-hundreds-of-millions-of-birds-and-bats/
Wildlife Society Bulletin confirmed in a study that “turbine blades will kill 14 million birds and bats during the next decade” even if no more wind turbines will be built. Not long ago, bird watchers in Scotland witnessed in horror when a very rare and fast bird which had not been seen in over twenty-two years, was chopped up by the blades of a wind turbine.
Fox News reported that wind farms are not fined for killing eagles and protected species but oil companies have been prosecuted when birds drown in waste pits or if birds are electrocuted by power lines.
President Obama’s plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 80 percent (drastic reductions in nuclear, coal, and natural gas generated energy) requires at least 25 times more electricity production from wind turbines. Dr. Taylor believes this would lead to the death of 350 million birds and bats in the U.S. each decade, an “aviary holocaust.”
James Delingpole revealed in the Telegraph that the National Grid in the U.K. has been secretly spending millions on “dirty” Diesel-generated power to keep the lights on during times when the wind was not blowing. Apparently, the more wind turbines were built, the less stable the electric grid became and electricity became more expensive. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/jamesdelingpole/100226302/another-day-another-wind-farm-scandal/
United States is in a terrible hurry to complete the smart grid and the smart meter installations around the country. Smart meters are a great Agenda 21 idea if you own a utility company or are the government. For customers, Smart meters are not just dangerous to overall health, privacy, and ability to have electricity on demand; smart meters are convenient 24/7 spying devices attached to our homes, without our permission, without a warrant, and violating our 4th Amendment rights.
One Texan, Sheila Hemphill, who owns a wellness shop in Brady, Texas, took on the city council that wanted to install $2.5 million worth of smart meters via the city-owned utility company; she eventually won, after six failed attempts, implementing Texas Local Government Code 9.004, stopping the installation of smart meters.
Is Texas free from the encroachment of Agenda 21 Sustainability and Green Growth? Not really. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funded a $3.7 million Sustainable Communities Planning Grant called CyberCity 3D. Central Texas will be brought into the sustainable development concept of Agenda 21 with “housing diversity that is accessible to transportation, decrease congestion and pollution.”
The initiative is spearheaded by The Capital Area Texas Sustainability (CATS) Consortium, a comprehensive group of public, private, academic and non-profit stakeholders in the Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos region. (NGOs)
This is how Agenda 21 operates, with initiatives, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academia, and with generous grants from the federal government who cannot pass up the opportunity of implementing more global government.
Another successful pushback against Agenda 21 was the U.S. Department of the Interior dropping the White River Watershed National Blueway designation. U.S. Senator Roy Blunt (R-Mo) said, “The Obama Administration’s attempt to establish a new federal designation without the approval of Congress or public input is absolutely unacceptable. The stakeholders and community members deserve more transparency from their government. I’m pleased the Obama Administration has withdrawn this designation.” http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/feds-rescinds-white-rivers-blueway-designation-19573511#.UdYUuW12mVq
Confiscation of land under the claim of eminent domain has also been pushed back by the judge’s decision in the Legacy Trail land. Judge Mary Ellen Coster Williams of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims ordered the U.S. government to pay “just compensation” to all property owners whose land had been taken under mandated easements for rail-use decades ago.
Sarasota County developer Hugh Culverhouse was awarded $3.2 million in an eminent domain case ten years after” the Surface Transportation Board seized a sliver of his Palmer Ranch property to build the Legacy Trail on an abandoned rail line. With interest, the judgment could be $5.1 million.” (Josh Salman, Herald Tribune, July 2, 2013)
Legacy Park is a county park developed by Sarasota County for $30 million. “The county commissioners who voted for the plan almost a decade ago say had no idea at the time property owners could sue the federal government for land reimbursements.”
This is one glaring example among thousands around the country where commissioners and boards of supervisors vote to rezone, reshape, carve out, and take away people’s rights to their property and then feign ignorance after the fact. Josh Salman quoted Commissioner Nora Patterson, “This whole thing is very strange. We didn’t know a thing about it.”
Superstorm Sandy helped deepen the hysteria of climate change and push forward the global warming talking points of Agenda 21 environmentalist social engineering. “The real experts know that sea level is rising at only 1 mm per year, and wouldn’t cause this kind of flooding in 1,000 years. This flooding was caused by the confluence of a hurricane storm surge and high tide.”
The report released on August 19, 2013 by the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force stated, “Decision makers at all levels must recognize that climate change and the resulting increase in risks from extreme weather have eliminated the option of simply building back to outdated standards and expecting better outcomes after the next extreme event.”
The Chairman of the task force, Secretary of HUD Shaun Donovan, said that we must find novel ways for “piloting innovative strategies that can serve as a model for communities across the nation as they prepare for the impacts of climate change.” The translation is easy. We can’t predict the weather accurately for tomorrow but we can tell you that the sky is about to fall if you don’t follow our directions and our plans.
Climate has changed for reasons other than fossil fuel use or human involvement; solar flares, increased volcanic activity, and the change in oceanic currents come to mind, but only in recent times has climate become such a politically expedient tool used by the global elites to gain financial control and power, affecting with urgency how we live, where we live, how we build, and how much of our land we truly own, farm, or inhabit.
Lord Monckton expressed climate change alarmism rather humorously. “One hundred percent of scientists agree climate change is real. That is why we have weather forecasts. The climate has been changing for 4567 million years since that first Tuesday on which the earliest wisps of the atmosphere formed. But less than a third of published climate scientists say they think global warming is man-made; only 0.3 percent of them think most of the past 50 years’ modest warming is our fault; and so far, no one seems to have asked them whether they think it is potentially catastrophic.”
Researchers from the University of Colorado and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) claimed global warming slowed between 2000 and 2010 due to the gases spewed by volcanoes. (Michael Harper, redOrbit.com)
“Earthquakes may contribute to global warming by releasing greenhouse gas [methane] from the ocean floor.” Dr. David Fischer’s study, published in Nature Geoscience, demonstrated that methane escaped from methane hydrates from the ocean floor of the North Arabian Sea, released by a powerful 8.1 on Richter scale earthquake in 1945. http://dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2380434/Earthquakes-contribute-global-warming-releasing-greenhouse-gas-ocean-floor.html#ixzz2aXa5xFo5
Climate alarmists link just about anything to faux global warming. Changes in climate are strongly linked to violence around the world, a study by U.S. scientists suggests. There are myriads of other possible variables yet scientists are sure that a rise in violence is linked specifically to climate change. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-23538771
The Examiner.com listed on June 29, 2013 the top 15 signs that global warming is a fraud:
– Alarmists are fanatical and dishonest in opposing cleaner energy such as natural gas
– Politicians hand-pick “reports” and “evidence”
– CO2 is reported as record levels although there is no statistical significance
– Democrats have adopted global warming as a fact, smearing anyone who disagrees
– EPA still uses data from confessed frauds
– Global warming is blamed on anything and everything
– Ice sheets are growing, not shrinking
– Al Gore’s award winning propaganda film has been banned in Britain due to “outrageous falsehood and wild exaggerations”
– The Earth is not getting warmer
– There never was a “consensus” of experts, it is made up
– Scandals have forced even proponents of the scam of green to reverse course
– Evidence shows alarmists statements to be “deeply-flawed since the beginning”
– “It really is the Sun, Stupid.”
– Top experts “misrepresented pure speculation as hard fact and inventing ridiculous hoaxes at every turn”
– “enormously influential scientists directing this scam have been caught blatantly doctoring data, vindictively silencing anyone who does not conform and plotting to set up bogus ‘investigations’ to whitewash their corruption out of the picture” http://www.examiner.com/article/update-top-10-signs-global-warming-is-a-fraud
Questioning this climate change “consensus” alarmism is a sure way to kill anybody’s academic career, so much for academic freedom. Ask Professors James Enstrom of UCLA, Richard Lindzen of MIT, Henrik Svensmark of the Danish Space Research Institute, Fred Singer, a rocket scientist who founded the U.S. Satellite Weather Service, and Murry Salby of Macquarie University in Sidney, what happened to their careers when they debunked the false “consensus” riddled with scientific dishonesty. http://wnd.com/2013/07/academic-freedom-not-if-you-question-climate-change/#e5MDfZ2p3Ej0tjfZ.99
All decisions involving every facet of our daily lives were influenced and made initially by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and picked up by various federal government agencies such as the EPA and the Department of Energy. Most recently, Interior Department Secretary, Sally Jewell, was quoted as saying, “I hope there are no climate change deniers in the Department of Interior.” Apparently global warming is settled group-think-consensus-science and dissenters are not allowed free speech in her department.
Sustainable Development represents environmental assaults on our freedoms and property rights, our children’s education, smart growth, green growth, and smart metering, all initiated by ICLEI and visioning committees, supported by government agencies, executive orders, councils, federal grants, and passed by boards of supervisors around the country without citizen input, knowledge, or agreement. It is a form of global communism perpetrated by the global elites in the name of saving the environment from the manufactured man-made global warming.
To make matters scarier, there is an Agenda 21 environmental constitution of global governance called The Draft International Covenant on Environment and Development (DICED). The word “covenant” makes it sound like a religion; come to think of it, it is the religion of the scam of green. http://data.iucn.org/dbtw-wpd/edocs/eplp-031-rev3.pdf
The much maligned carbon dioxide is good for plants and for tree growth, it gives them life. Ask Dr. Klaus Kaiser, he will tell you, it is “wood for thought.” http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/57327
As always Dr. Paugh spot on and clear with references for self study on the topic! I so appreciate your hard work!