Oceans, Climate Change Hysteria, and More Wealth Redistribution

Wikipedia photo
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) held a “side event” on June 6, 2017 during the “first-ever” United Nations Ocean Conference. This side event’s topic was “Ocean Health, Climate Change and Migration: Understanding the Nexus and Implications for People on the Move.” Continue reading

DICED is UN’s Environmental Constitution for the World and Our Own Constitution Will Be Diced

I am sure there are many Americans who have no idea nor care what “The Draft International Covenant on Environment and Development” (DICED) is. They should. The Draft Covenant is the “Environmental Constitution of Global Governance.” Continue reading

Louisiana Flood of 2016 and the Yangtze River Flood of 1931 Not Caused by Climate Change

Louisiana flood of 2016 Photo: Wikipedia
The severe flooding in Louisiana, the result of torrential rain and the location of Baton Rouge 56 ft. above sea level, contributed to the destruction of 40,000 homes. More than 30,000 people and 1,000 pets had to be rescued.
The New York Times published a story immediately, “Flooding in the South Looks a Lot Like Climate Change,” blaming the flood on the global warming hoax created by the very profitable climate change industry. Continue reading

Clexit and the “Parasitical” Climate Change Industry

“The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many, doing too well economically, and burning too much oil.” – Sir James Lovelock, BBC Interview
Sign in Nashville airport 9-28-15 Photo taken by Ileana Johnson in September 2015 in Nashville airport
Viv Forbes, in a media release on August 1, 2016, announced the founding of Clexit, Climate Exit, by “over 60 well-informed science, business and economic leaders from 16 countries.” Continue reading

Globalism through U.N.’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and Vision 2050

54adfa0ce58ece23a9000044_vincent-callebaut-s-2050-parisian-vision-of-a-smart-city-_paris_2050_-no_title--530x401 Vincent Callebaut 2050 Parisian vision
Four years ago, a man was convicted of collecting rainwater and snow runoff on his property and served a 30-day jail sentence in Medford, Oregon, while the developing world is trashing their environment at alarming rates, suffocating waterways, rivers, and lakes with trash and refuse. http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/ Continue reading

Social Engineering of the Globe with Sustainable Development

“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”
– Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment

burning wind turbine Burning wind turbine Photo: Wikipedia
One of the first changes made by the new British Prime Minister, Theresa May, was to close the Department of Energy and Climate Change and to transfer it to a new office, the Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy, a transfer heavily criticized by environmental groups and its cheering main stream media who saw it as a disaster to end the lucrative climate change industry. Continue reading

Water and the Climate Change Industry

“The water you drink today has likely been around in one form or another since dinosaurs roamed the Earth, hundreds of millions of years ago.” – National Geographic
“Water which is too pure has no fish.” – Anonymous

Water is life and it is recyclable, covering 70 percent of our planet; 2.5 percent is fresh water and “only 1 percent is easily accessible, the rest is trapped in glaciers and snowfields.” National Geographic noted that freshwater is in crisis because levels have remained the same over millennia but the human population has exploded to seven billion and thus water use based on population size and animal use is unsustainable. http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/freshwater/freshwater-crisis/ Continue reading

Climate Change Has Been Tamed

The COP21 was a seminal moment in the history of the planet. The wizards of the Paris conference, reportedly 147 heads of states, their very large entourage, and thousands of delegates and journalists from 195 countries will be remembered as the slickest con-artists ever in the history of humanity. Continue reading

Willis Eschenbach and the Myth of the “Sixth Wave of Extinction”

North Carolina parakeet North Carolina parakeet
(Photo: Wikipedia)
Willis Eschenbach, who takes pride in saying that he is not a trained scientist but has logged thousands of hours of research on the subject, was the first person to file a FOIA request for the infamous data from the University of East Anglia CRU. Hackers downloaded emails from said university that had shown that scientists had manipulated the data to agree with the global warming theory. Continue reading

The Climate Change Industry Changes the Energy Market

Danish mink farm
Countries and companies around the globe have spent trillions of dollars to stop the Earth from warming and the Earth did not get the message, it responded by cooling. Not to worry, environmentalists who were blatantly wrong and tried to say that cooling is part of global warming, changed their golden goose agenda to climate change. Even though climate change is real, it is called seasons, critics of the climate change industry, of climatism, have been marginalized under the rubric of global warming heretic deniers. Continue reading