Globalism through U.N.’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and Vision 2050

54adfa0ce58ece23a9000044_vincent-callebaut-s-2050-parisian-vision-of-a-smart-city-_paris_2050_-no_title--530x401 Vincent Callebaut 2050 Parisian vision
Four years ago, a man was convicted of collecting rainwater and snow runoff on his property and served a 30-day jail sentence in Medford, Oregon, while the developing world is trashing their environment at alarming rates, suffocating waterways, rivers, and lakes with trash and refuse. Continue reading

Education Enabling Cultural Decline

IMG_2409 Photo: Ileana Johnson 2015
Trying to have a rational discussion based on facts with a College of Education graduate who uses Common Core teaching methods, how children learn, and the dumbing down of America’s education, is like trying to reason with a petulant child who happens to be a member of the Communist Party USA. Continue reading

Social Engineering of the Globe with Sustainable Development

“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”
– Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment

burning wind turbine Burning wind turbine Photo: Wikipedia
One of the first changes made by the new British Prime Minister, Theresa May, was to close the Department of Energy and Climate Change and to transfer it to a new office, the Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy, a transfer heavily criticized by environmental groups and its cheering main stream media who saw it as a disaster to end the lucrative climate change industry. Continue reading

Failing Is not an Option, but No-Zero Grading Is

IMG_1051 Photo: Ileana Johnson
As if adding Common Core to the nation’s standardized education system was not damaging enough to our dumbed down indoctrination system, progressive academics are now pushing to eliminate a failing grade. Continue reading

Big Brother of Smarter Planet, Smarter Cities

DSC01153 Photo: Ileana Johnson 2009
IBM has a vision for you, Mr. and Mrs. Global Citizen, a vision for Smarter Cities around the globe. You have not been consulted about it but you will be subjected to their vision whether you agree to it or not. And if you want to learn more about IBM’s international effort to build “a Smarter Planet, Smarter Cities,” in preparation for what they dubbed, “the cognitive era,” you can read more about it here. Continue reading

The American Flag, Symbol of Freedom

U.S. Flag The American flag has been a symbol of pride, of hope, of freedom, of liberation, of exceptionalism, of courage, of inspiration, of strength, and of power. It pains me to see anti-American elements, the enemies of freedom, Islamists, communists, and other traitors burn it, trample it, tear it, trash it, and do unspeakable things to it. Continue reading