Progressivism Makes America Worse

Americans are bored with their abundant lifestyle. Western civilization is bored with its wealth, bucolic life, and success. Academics and Hollywood elites have taken it upon themselves to bring all this success and wealth down a few notches if not to the first rung of the prosperity ladder. Continue reading

Progressivism is Neo-Communism

New World Order T-shirt The obsessed and irrational infatuation of intolerant Millennials with neo-communism they euphemistically call progressivism can be understood when one takes into account academia’s professorial and administrative cadre of communist indoctrinators and the world-wide curricula similar to Common Core, developed with advice, textbooks, and funds from elitist billionaires who want to re-engineer societies around the globe in the borderless and diabolically mish-mashed coexist image of their totalitarian dreams of control. Continue reading

Karl Marx and Cultural Marxism


On May 5, 2018, the Marxists, sponsored by the World Workers Party, will be gearing up in New York to celebrate 200 years since the birth of their communist guru, Karl Marx, the one man whose philosophy had enabled the killing of more innocents than many global wars combined. Continue reading

Twenty More Years of Socialism and No Good-Byes

Ploiesti water fountain I drank from as a child (taken in 2012)
When I left Romania after twenty years of frugal subsistence and tyranny under Ceausescu’s communist regime, I thought the nightmare was over, I was moving to America, the land of freedom and opportunity, and everything would be all right. All I had to do is study and educate myself as fast as I could. Continue reading

Things Have Changed Significantly in Forty Years


I so admired the freedom of the west – people could worship in peace, attend the university of their choice, travel wherever they wanted if they could afford to, police was there to protect and serve the locals, food was cheap, grocery stores were full, families were able to buy a home with a picket fence and pay it off before they retired, truth, hard work, and honor were qualities to be admired, the press was generally objective and covered the facts domestically and internationally, families raised their children to be patriotic citizens, and children respected their parents, teachers, elders, authority, and the law. Continue reading

How Did We Get Here?

How did our society get where we are today? Where did this profound hatred, disrespect for authority, for the rule of law, disdain for their own country, utter laziness, entitlement, anarchy, and anti-Americanism come from, especially in the younger generations who shape the future of our country? Continue reading

Cultural Marxism and Euphemisms


Cultural Marxist academics, their sycophant students, and the main stream media are at war with America – a war of violent Marxist ideology and a war of cleverly chosen words and euphemisms that appear time and time again in many college courses, high school classes, in propaganda literature, newspapers, conferences, and in the manufactured news. Cultural Marxists are regular guests on all the alphabet soup networks masquerading as real news, spewing their hatred, their disdain and disrespect for our President, and their calls to renewed violence in the streets through their masked Black Shirts. Continue reading

“Useful Infidels” Vetting Refugees

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell
when-america-was-great When America was great
Photo credit: Wikipedia
When truth has been replaced with moral relativism and progressivism teaches our American children through high school programs such as the International Baccalaureate and Common Core standards that they are global citizens, love of one’s country is bad, proselytizing for Islam in school curricula at the expense of Christianity is good, and socialism and the Islamization of Western civilization have become the norm, it is time to worry. America is “harboring in New York its own worst enemy,” and financing it with taxpayer dollars. It is time to stand up to the U.N. and its forced globalization programs, including the “refugee” relocation. Continue reading

The Character of a Nation and Precious Snowflakes

041 Arlington National Cemetery
Photo: Ileana Johnson
A lot can happen to a nation’s soul, heart, and character in 70 years. In 1944, eighteen-year olds stormed the beaches in Normandy, embracing almost certain death; eighteen-year olds today need a safe space on campuses to cry or cower in fear because words hurt their precious snowflake feelings. Continue reading

Common Sense Progressive and “Out of America”

“In countries where people are free, people are not ‘equal.’ In countries where everyone is ‘equal,’ people are not free.” –

The young black man described himself as a “common sense progressive.” I would have never noticed his profile in the social media, had it not been for his unreasonable defense of another rich and successful black man, a football player, who chose to ignore our National Anthem under the absurd race-baiting excuse that he was taking a stance against imagined racial and police oppression in America. Continue reading