Cellphone Misadventure – They Track You Anyway

I go to the “slug” line, a little busier than usual. I fumble for my iPhone and drop it carelessly in my pocket as a white non-descript SUV pulls up. The driver indicates that I sit behind her, a move against safety protocol. It is a very crowded back bench with a child’s seat and assorted junk stacked high, obviously a rushed attempt at cleaning this morning. I listen to my usual podcast with my head-set on. Continue reading

The Twilight Zone Plus One Makes Reality

“The universe is made of protons, neutrons, electrons, and morons.” – Anonymous
While the left is busy demonizing President Trump for his remarks about the MS-13 gangs who enter our country illegally through the porous southern border, Congressional members, working against the safety interests of the American people and cheered by the leftist media and half of the voting population, are doing their best to stall, defund, and vilify any effort by our president to build a border wall and to deport the illegal criminal elements who are already in this country and have committed atrocious crimes. Continue reading

Competition and Meritocracy Still the Key for Success

Competition for survival and success are inscribed in our DNA. We are born to compete. Humans who put forth more effort are more likely to succeed. Others are satisfied with less, act accordingly, become followers, and complain bitterly about the eventual outcome and their station in life. Continue reading

My Take on the Teacher of the Year Award

Photo credit: IJR Red

As a former teacher, I was annoyed but not at all surprised by the choice for this year’s Teacher of the Year Award. The recipient with a political agenda showed the nation what an “exceptional teacher” looks like. With her boorish and rude behavior during the ceremony at the White House, she bashed and disrespected our President in front of the entire nation and in front of school children who look up to teachers like her to be objective. Yet many indoctrinate their students into their twisted political world eight hours a day, not into the American-exceptionalism that they should. Continue reading

The Soviets’ Inner Wall

…’from Stettin on the Baltic to Trieste on the Adriatic, an Iron Curtain has descended over Europe’ – speech made by Winston Churchill in 1946 in Fulton, Missouri
West Berliners waving to relatives across the Berlin Wall, Christmas 1961, Photo: Wikipedia
At the end of World War II, the victorious Allies divided Germany from 1945 to 1949 into four sections, each administered by a different allied country, in order to prevent the spread of Nazism (National Socialism). Continue reading