Taxes, Taxes, Everywhere

The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. Death follows life and taxes follow you everywhere like an incurable disease.
Nobody woke up one day and said, let’s tax the heck out of people for their bad behavior, for existing, for traveling on roads, for smoking, for drinking, for trash disposal, for luxury goods, for pollution, for phone use, radio, TV, Internet, for buying goods and services, property, hunting, fishing, building, learning, farming, and other purposes. Continue reading

“Climate Change” Hypocrites and Their Fossil Fuel Guzzling Jets

Vostok ice core team in Antarctica Wikipedia Vostok Ice Core team in Antarctica
Photo: Wikipedia
While the northeast is preparing for Snowmaggedon, 2-3 feet of snow, as if we’ve never had a few feet of snow before, the global warming turned climate change crowd is preparing for the upcoming global climate negotiations in December in Paris. Pharrell Williams tweeted “Let’s unite a billion voices to take #ClimateAction now” urging climate change awareness from his private jet in which he is pictured sitting alone. Continue reading

A Trip to the National Firearms Museum

Charlton Heston statue Charlton Heston bronze statue as “Will Penny” Photo: Ileana Johnson 2015
The National Firearms Museum is located in one of the richest and more liberal places in the country, Fairfax, Virginia. The Freedom’s Doorway of the museum is graced by a quote from Charlton Heston, “The doorway to freedom is framed by the muskets that stood between a vision of liberty and absolute anarchy at a place called Concord Bridge.” Continue reading

Paris, a Symbol of Our Western Civilization

Notre Dame Wikipedia Notre Dame Photo: Wikipedia
On my third trip to Paris, it was ten days of drizzly and bone-chilling December. We stayed in a cozy but insufficiently heated hotel, just narrow and winding streets away from the magnificent Basilica of Sacré-Cœur in Montmartre. The stark white dome of Sacré-Cœur situated on top of the hill was visible on a sunny day from most points in Paris. Winding down the cozy village-like streets from the Basilica was Place Pigalle. When we walked down the Basilica’s steps on New Year’s Day, remnants of the fireworks and parties were scattered everywhere. Continue reading

Food Lines Coming?

Venezuela Food line Venezuela Food Line Distribution Photo: Wikipedia
Americans willingly stand in line for hours waiting for a store to open during Black Friday or to purchase tickets to a sought-after football game or concert. They don’t mind freezing in the cold, sleeping in a tent on the side-walk hours and days before the store opens – they want to save $50 for a television set, find a toy that everybody else wants for Christmas, a popular electronic gadget, first issues of geek gear, or tickets to a favorite concert. Continue reading

Throw More Money into Government-Controlled Education

The Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, wants to have “equity” in education and to replace the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) with a new law that would include government-funded preschool. The sooner the collectivist indoctrination starts, the better. NCLB already cost taxpayers $25 billion in 2014. Continue reading

“Free” Education With Strings Attached

If you think college tuition is expensive now, wait until it is free. Two years of “free” community college sounds wonderful, even though some students who just graduated felt cheated that they did not get it “free” and, in the name of fairness and justice, retroactive reimbursement was immediately demanded. Continue reading

The American Oligarchy

We are fundamentally changing, it’s been coming for decades but it is more noticeable now because we have Internet, wireless devices, pocket size encyclopedias encapsulating libraries around the world, and instant access to real news around the globe.
We see how the main stream media has become the spokesperson for the ruling elites, corruption rules and day, and education is melting in the flames of common core. Continue reading

Furs and Environmental Political Correctness

Chinchilla Photo:
Genesis 4:21
The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.

I touched the buttery soft banded white and grey chinchilla coat on the mannequin, draping a fiery red dress. I wonder how many tiny animals were sacrificed to make this beautiful coat that would adorn the shoulders of an elegant socialite who might get cold in the climate change winter air on her way to a fashionable restaurant or a D.C. party. The $50,000 price tag can certainly buy a small house in the south. Continue reading

How Did We “Fundamentally Change” So Fast?

The gilded cage The Gilded Cage Photo courtesy of Internet free stock
How did American culture fall prey to the lowest common denominator in our country?
When did we start admiring primitive cultures and considering them superior to our western civilization, giving in to their needy and outrageous demands no matter what happens to our own citizens? Continue reading