Propaganda, Totalitarianism, and Somnambulism

Propaganda indoctrination springing from totalitarian regimes can have two human reactions: apathy and indifference to everything happening around you, admitting to yourself that there is nothing you can do about it, or the intense desire to study and understand it as if that process alone begins to redress what is wrong with such a system. Continue reading

History Forgotten, the Armenian Genocide and the Assyrians Today

“Around the world, Christians are facing violence, persecution, brutality in a way we have not seen in generations.” – Rey Flores, “The Wanderer”
Yazidi boy in Iraqi Kurdistan August 2014 Yazidi boy in Iraqi Kurdistan
August 2014 Photo: Wikipedia
The leftist charlatans with their fake “war on women” movement are deafly silent in the face of a real genocide, the deliberate and brutal torture and killings of Christian men and women. Yazidi women and girls are kidnapped, raped, and driven into a life of slavery to ISIS as forced converts to Islam. Continue reading

Why Is Donald Trump Good for America?

Donald_August_19_(cropped) Donald Trump
Rally in New Hampshire 8-19-2015 Photo: Wikipedia
The often ostentatious Trump irritates Democrats, the liberal media, and the establishment Republicans for many reasons. They cannot understand how his popularity soars in the polls no matter what he says and what they do to unseat him, or what dirt, real or imagined, they try to dig up. Continue reading

Technology and the Delusional Mind

“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.” – Winston Churchill
Das Narrenschiff The Ship of Fools
I often wondered if progressives around me live in an alternate reality. How else can people so fat claim poverty and oppression when citizens of other countries live on less than $2 a day and are so thin, you can count their ribs through their skin? What causes this obvious delusion? Continue reading

Harold, the American Soldier at the Battle of the Bulge


I dedicate this essay to my friend and mentor, Harold Turner, a WWII veteran who fought and survived the Battle of the Bulge.

Harold at Veterans Day Parade in Okolona, MS 2012 Harold Turner
Veteran’s Day parade in Mississippi
A two hour flight later I was in my beloved South, assaulted by humidity and cold. A heavy and constant rain made it difficult to drive my rented Corolla. I expected humidity and hot and I was shivering in my light clothes. Continue reading

A Union of Convenience

EU Photo: Wikipedia
Sculpture outside of European Central Bank
The European Union started with six Western European countries after World War II as the European Coal and Steel Community in 1952 (Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands). By 1973 the United Kingdom, Denmark, and Ireland joined what had become known as the European Community. Greece became a member in 1981, Spain and Portugal in 1986, Austria, Finland, and Sweden in 1995, eight former communist countries in 2004 (the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia) plus Malta and Cyprus, Bulgaria and Romania in 2007, and Croatia in 2013, the 28th member. Continue reading

Climate Change Has Been Tamed

The COP21 was a seminal moment in the history of the planet. The wizards of the Paris conference, reportedly 147 heads of states, their very large entourage, and thousands of delegates and journalists from 195 countries will be remembered as the slickest con-artists ever in the history of humanity. Continue reading

Musings on Indoctrination by Teachers

The depth of blatant ignorance and naiveté of American teachers, even smart ones, is astonishing. I have asked one of my former students, who is a math teacher, why she placed a crescent moon and a star together as a topper on her Christmas tree, an exact replica of the symbol of the Islamic Caliphate. She replied that she did it for her son who likes the moon. Continue reading

College Endowments and Donations on the Taxing Block?

BooksCongress is looking at college and university endowments and at their donors as a source of revenue. Tax endowment fund earnings have been exempted from federal income tax and those who contributed to such endowment funds were able to “deduct the value of their contributions from income subject to tax.” Continue reading

Crybullies’ Safe Spaces or Spaces to Whine?

In the face of worldwide “refugee” crisis, the poor ISIS fighters who had slaughtered, tortured, and enslaved thousands in their wake, sneaking into Europe and U.S., blowing up and killing more than 129 innocents in Paris and 14 in San Bernardino, injuring hundreds others, the world’s leaders have met in Paris not to discuss the existential Islamist threat to the world, but their faux concerns of the climate change industry, potentially worth trillions, instead of the imminent threat of Islam around the world coming from ISIS. Elites are more interested in fleecing and spreading the western world’s wealth to the third world, whose leadership dominates the U.N., rather than in the safety of their own citizens. Continue reading