Ionuț Sabău, a Hero for Europeans

Invasions_of_the_Roman_Empire_1 Photo: Wikipedia
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 A.D., Europe has been besieged by waves of invasion from tribes of peoples such as Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Vandals, Angles, Saxons, Lombards, Suebi, Frisii, Jutes, Franks, Huns, Cumans, Avars, Bulgars, Alans, Moors, Mongolians, Khazars, Tatars, Vikings, Normans, to name a few, who brought war and pillage across Europe from 376 to 800 A.D. Continue reading

Why Is Donald Trump Good for America?

Donald_August_19_(cropped) Donald Trump
Rally in New Hampshire 8-19-2015 Photo: Wikipedia
The often ostentatious Trump irritates Democrats, the liberal media, and the establishment Republicans for many reasons. They cannot understand how his popularity soars in the polls no matter what he says and what they do to unseat him, or what dirt, real or imagined, they try to dig up. Continue reading

The Paris Massacre, Social Justice, and Redistribution of Wealth

Social justice is defined as “promoting a just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity.” It can only exist when “all people share a common humanity and therefore have a right to equitable treatment, support for their human rights, and a fair allocation of community resources.”

There are many problems with this definition. Continue reading

Historian Neagu Djuvara Discusses the “Muslim Refugee” Problem

neagu-djuvara wikipedia photo Neagu Djuvara Photo: Wikipedia
Neagu Djuvara, writer, historian, philosopher, journalist, and diplomat, was interviewed on his 99th birthday by Radu Turcescu from Evenimentul Zilei. Born in Bucharest on August 18, 1916, Djuvara studied at Sorbonne in Paris, lived in France, Niger, and Romania. Continue reading

America the Broken Beacon?

Cape Meares Lighthouse Cape Meares Photo: Wikipedia
America used to be the country of freedom where people dreamed of immigrating to if only they could get a passport, a visa, enough money to fly or sail across the ocean, if only the border guards would not arrest them in the U.S. if they had no papers, if only the military guards in their own countries would not shoot them on sight. Continue reading