Welcome Everyone, Take Our Country

I remember the curiosity and kindness that greeted me in the southern part of the United States in 1978. People went out of their way to meet this foreigner to their lands who came from such a far-away country. Many did not know where my country was but they knew it was an Iron Curtain nation where people lived under religious oppression, could not go to church, have a Bible in their homes, or pray. But they could not fathom the exploitation of the soul, body, and mind that my people had to suffer under totalitarian communism. Continue reading

The 1970s America is Gone Not by the Tides of Change

Photo: Ileana Johnson 2015
The first Americans I’ve met, Pam and her husband James from Chicago worked with my dad at the refinery. He was an engineer from a small family and she followed him to this God-forsaken country where everyone seemed to be a prisoner. They appeared friendly in a plastic way, smiling all the time for no apparent reason, totally unconcerned about the misery of the oppressed Romanians around them, barely surviving under communism. Continue reading

Borders Do Matter

Fintina Alba monument called “Troita”
Political elites have used social engineering to control masses of people and territories over the millennia. They have redrawn borders and moved tribes and herded people into harsher environments, not ideally suitable for human habitation and agriculture; they have sent humans to occupy already heavily populated areas through invasion, conquering them, destroying the local inhabitants’ religion in the process, and forcing them to accept the conquering religion of Islam. Christians organized their own crusades in response, to regain the territories occupied by Muslims. Continue reading

Non-Governmental Organizations’ Role in Global Governance

“The fear of capitalism has compelled socialism to widen freedom, and the fear of socialism has compelled capitalism to increase equality. East is West and West is East, and soon the twain will meet.” – Will and Ariel Durant in Lesson of History
Photo: Wikipedia
The developed world appears to be changing in the same direction, at the same time, at an alarming speed, relatively speaking. What is the common dominator and drive behind this change towards a one world global governance and global citizenship? What is rushing everything towards global socialism? How is this possible when countries have different levels of development, education, economies, government, history, religion, wars, and conflicts? Continue reading

Why Is Donald Trump Good for America?

Donald_August_19_(cropped) Donald Trump
Rally in New Hampshire 8-19-2015 Photo: Wikipedia
The often ostentatious Trump irritates Democrats, the liberal media, and the establishment Republicans for many reasons. They cannot understand how his popularity soars in the polls no matter what he says and what they do to unseat him, or what dirt, real or imagined, they try to dig up. Continue reading

A New Breed of Global Communism on Steroids

Politicians like to tell us ad nauseam that the immigration system is broken. What exactly is broken? I asked this question recently of the panel on immigration at CPAC 2015. It became obvious that conservatives and progressives conflate the issue of legal immigration with the issue of illegal immigration. Continue reading

Dr. Savage Asks, “Where is America’s Marine Le Pen?”

Marine Le Pen 2 Marine Le Pen Photo: Wikipedia
In his valiant attempt to save our country from the illegal immigration invasion, the conservative talk show host Dr. Michael Savage asked with much passion the rhetorical question, “Where is America’s Marine Le Pen?” Continue reading