Christmas, the Season of Faith, Family, and Charity

Christmas caroling in Romania, 1841 Photo: Wikipedia
Christmas was my Dad bringing home proudly a scraggly fir with sparse branches – fragrant with the smell of winter, tiny icicles hanging from the branches, miniature crystal daggers, melting on my mom’s well-scrubbed parquet floor. I never knew nor asked how he could afford it from his $70 a month salary that barely covered the communist subsidized rent, utilities, and food. No matter how bare the branches of my Christmas tree were, it was magical to me. Continue reading

What’s in Packaged Food?

Organic food Photo: Ileana Johnson 2015
Americans’ collective waist has been inching up every year and blood pressure increased thanks in part to our sedentary lifestyles and to the amount of sugar and salt in all food. For convenience and to save time, we often eat fast food and restaurant rich foods and walk much less than our slender European counterparts. Portion size is also much larger than we need. Continue reading

They Love Globalism and I Know Why

Wladyslaw Szpilman Photo: Wikipedia
I was seated recently at a table of educated Romanians, late twenties and early thirties, lawyers, businessmen, teachers, engineers, doctors, and lobbyists for various globalist non-profits in D.C. Continue reading

Christian Chaldeans in Iraq Must Be Saved

As western civilization is on a quest of self-destruction, tripping over itself to move and distribute around the world millions of mostly military-age Muslim men categorized as “Syrian refugees” by the International Office of Migration, even though many are not from Syria, an underfunded organization,, is trying to save what is left of the Christians residing in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq. Continue reading

Do you Take Your Grocery Store for Granted?

adevarul-ro A bread line in the 80s
Photo credit:
The Ceausescu clan and their communist useful idiots were quick to remind us of what an enchanted life we lived under his leadership and how terrible life was under evil capitalism and how their people suffered under the boot of the bourgeoisie. We were so protected and full of hope under “mother” Elena and “father” Nicolae’s leadership, we were told ad nauseam, while the opposite reality hit us in the face every day. Continue reading

Socialism, Failure, and the Progressive Deception

A 1989 video exposed the socialist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu visiting a Bucharest grocery store and a bread store. Greeted outside the door with flowers which he unceremoniously dumped into the arms of his minions, Ceausescu waved at the “adoring crowds.” He touched a few loaves of bread as if he really cared about what his people ate. Continue reading

Rationed Food and Purposeful Starvation

Breadline photoI remember our daily food always coming from a long, long line at the end of which was a loaf of bread, a liter of milk, a stick of butter, a bottle of murky cooking oil, or a kilo of bones with traces of meat and fat on them.

The interminable lines looked like this bread line pictured here. We never knew what was sold at the end of a line we happened to come upon, but we knew we needed whatever people lined up to buy, so we joined the line.
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No Kid Hungry in America

The young lady, who took my order for a salad at my favorite café, was sporting a tag with an orange apple core and the words, No Kid Hungry, Share Our Strength. I became curious and started researching. Apparently, September is the No Kid Hungry orange month, “a pledge to dine out and end childhood hunger.”

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