Capitalism is Oppressive, Give Us Free Socialism

Photo: Coada (standing in the line of truth)
“There is no such thing as a free lunch, someone has to pay for it.”
The American socialist politicians are promising their voting constituents through such figures as Bernie Sanders, the politician from Vermont whose economic fortunes have improved drastically since he ran for president, and the socialist Cortez from the Bronx who, although she has a degree from a prestigious and very expensive school, does not know anything about Economics or geopolitics, by her own admission, and shows her lack of knowledge every time she opens her mouth. Continue reading

Mayhem and Leftist Mob Rule

Main Stream Media Cartoon by Ben Garrison
A widely circulated email from the IAC Solidarity Center action alerts described in great detail how the radical left is going to disrupt President Trump’s inauguration and potentially his entire administration. Calling themselves #J20RESIST, with the mantra of “WE REFUSE! NO PASARAN!” (Spanish for “You will not pass”), they want to “shut down Trump’s inauguration” and disobey future law and order. Continue reading

Socialism, Failure, and the Progressive Deception

A 1989 video exposed the socialist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu visiting a Bucharest grocery store and a bread store. Greeted outside the door with flowers which he unceremoniously dumped into the arms of his minions, Ceausescu waved at the “adoring crowds.” He touched a few loaves of bread as if he really cared about what his people ate. Continue reading

Poverty Induced by Socialism Is Hard to Shake

Octavian Paul Draja Food line Photo: Octavian Paul Draja
To say that poverty induced by socialist dictatorships is hard to shake would be an understatement. Ask Cubans and now Venezuelans what is like to live in the workers’ paradise that Fidel forced upon his people while he stashed away billions he has stolen with his cronies. Continue reading

Venezuela Ran out of Other People’s Money

MoneyVenezuelans rejected socialism. They’ve run out of other people’s money; the long lines to buy basic food and toilet paper did not help either. The main stream media has glossed over this massive defeat of President Nicolas Maduro’s socialism. In a great St. Nick gift, his opposition took back control of the National Assembly in a landslide election on December 6, 2015. Continue reading

The Socialist Left Wants to Make Things Right

It is a tune many failed socialist nations have heard before. When the mainstream media proclaimed a few years ago, “We are all socialists now,” people shrugged their shoulders and went about their capitalist business. Continue reading