Mayhem and Leftist Mob Rule

Main Stream Media Cartoon by Ben Garrison
A widely circulated email from the IAC Solidarity Center action alerts described in great detail how the radical left is going to disrupt President Trump’s inauguration and potentially his entire administration. Calling themselves #J20RESIST, with the mantra of “WE REFUSE! NO PASARAN!” (Spanish for “You will not pass”), they want to “shut down Trump’s inauguration” and disobey future law and order. Continue reading

Mob Rule Demands in Higher Education

“The people that hate this country, people that despise it, people who grew up being taught what a rotten place this was all the way back in the sixties through today are running the country now.” – Rush
I’ve always suspected that in higher education football was king and liberal arts programs were more about socialist indoctrination than about education. There are exceptions in science majors which prepare students with college degrees to be meaningful contributors to society and tomorrow’s inventors. Continue reading