Unconscious Bias is Thought Police

untitledThe media has lately jammed the air waves with its newest indoctrination tactic driven by various United Nations organizations, the “unconscious bias” and, more specifically the “invisible race bias,” and the “invisible gender bias.” Training workshops in “thought police” are taking place around the country and around the globe to “assist” people overcome such unconscious bias and “nudge” them in the right direction. Continue reading

Mob Rule Demands in Higher Education

“The people that hate this country, people that despise it, people who grew up being taught what a rotten place this was all the way back in the sixties through today are running the country now.” – Rush
I’ve always suspected that in higher education football was king and liberal arts programs were more about socialist indoctrination than about education. There are exceptions in science majors which prepare students with college degrees to be meaningful contributors to society and tomorrow’s inventors. Continue reading

Why Global Citizenship and Not American Citizenship?

global citizenship ad Photo: Ileana Johnson, 2014
I have asked many students over my 30 teaching years why they attended college. The answers encompassed a wide range:
– It’s a family tradition and my parents are making me
– I want to learn more about a particular subject
– I want a higher-paying job
– I want to be a doctor, a vet, an engineer, a pilot, an astronaut, an artist
– I want to do research and find a cure for cancer
– I have nothing better to do with my time and I like being a student
– I want to be perennial learner and the tuition is paid by the government
– I want to make American lives better
– I want to be the first college graduate in my family
– I don’t want to work in a blue collar job like my father
– I want to help my small hometown who needs a doctor or a vet
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Diversity and Multiculturalism, Failed Liberal Values

This country was not built on diversity and multiculturalism, the failed liberal ideology. We are certainly diverse enough and Americans come from many cultures. For generations every immigrant to this country learned English, American history, celebrated American traditions, and became a part of the fabric of our exceptional society while honoring traditions from their ethnic backgrounds and former countries they left behind.
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