Socialism, Failure, and the Progressive Deception

A 1989 video exposed the socialist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu visiting a Bucharest grocery store and a bread store. Greeted outside the door with flowers which he unceremoniously dumped into the arms of his minions, Ceausescu waved at the “adoring crowds.” He touched a few loaves of bread as if he really cared about what his people ate. Continue reading

Voting Insanity, The Price of Our Enslavement

Voters on both sides of the isle complain that their chosen representatives do not perform in office according to promises made during lengthy, expensive, and exhausting campaigns. Yet they choose time and time again the same seasoned politicians who have made a life-long career in Washington, greasing the wheels of commerce, national defense, justice, and legislation. Once elected, politicians become elitist residents of the insulated bubble of the District of Columbia.
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