Christian Chaldeans in Iraq Must Be Saved

As western civilization is on a quest of self-destruction, tripping over itself to move and distribute around the world millions of mostly military-age Muslim men categorized as “Syrian refugees” by the International Office of Migration, even though many are not from Syria, an underfunded organization,, is trying to save what is left of the Christians residing in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq. Continue reading

Is This Our New America?

Golden Eagle with chopped wing Photo: Wikipedia

Golden Eagle with chopped wing
Photo: Wikipedia

The young woman was shopping on the 75 percent off rack of children’s clothes. Our eyes met and she smiled; in these hard times we must shop wisely to make money stretch further, she said. I remember those years in the mid-twenties, with two babies, a mom to support, and at least three part-time jobs. I never complained, blamed rich people, rioted to burn down other people’s hard work, or demanded that they turn their accumulated wealth over to me. It was a time when law and order mattered. Effort and hard work eventually paid off when I made a huge and lengthy investment in human capital – my education. Continue reading