Is This Our New America?

Golden Eagle with chopped wing Photo: Wikipedia

Golden Eagle with chopped wing
Photo: Wikipedia

The young woman was shopping on the 75 percent off rack of children’s clothes. Our eyes met and she smiled; in these hard times we must shop wisely to make money stretch further, she said. I remember those years in the mid-twenties, with two babies, a mom to support, and at least three part-time jobs. I never complained, blamed rich people, rioted to burn down other people’s hard work, or demanded that they turn their accumulated wealth over to me. It was a time when law and order mattered. Effort and hard work eventually paid off when I made a huge and lengthy investment in human capital – my education. Continue reading

Talking to Joseph Stalin

H. G. Wells and Joseph Stalin H.G. Wells and Joseph Stalin
H.G. Wells, the prolific British sci-fi writer, who self-described to be a socialist left of Stalin, interviewed the infamous Soviet dictator for three hours on July 23, 1934. The interview was recorded by Constantine Oumansky, the chief of the Press Bureau of the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. Continue reading

Grants Because the Economy Isn’t Doing So Well

The economy is so rosy, the statistics tell us, we are at what economists call full employment. “Full employment is a situation in which everyone who is willing and able to work can find a job. At full employment, the measured unemployment rate is still positive.” Economists have argued for years that the full employment number was somewhere “near 5 percent unemployment.”
President John F. Kennedy tried to commit the federal government to a target rate of 4 percent unemployment but it was rejected as being too unrealistic and overly ambitious. Continue reading

The “Greatest Invisible Depression”

“There is no America! There is a cash machine.” – Michael Savage
soup kitchen sponsored by Al Capone Photo credit: Wikipedia
We are experiencing the “Greatest Invisible Depression” in the history of the United States; the Depression Era soup kitchens and lines are unseen, coming to the mail box in the form of welfare checks, yet the government cash machine, the Fed, keeps printing bogus trillions that have no backing in goods and services. Continue reading

The Big Lie

Puppet shop window in Florence Wikipedia Puppet shop window in Florence, Italy
Photo: Wikipedia
While the country is busy blaming the measles outbreak at Disneyland on the official story line that it came from “overseas,” and the main stream media is pushing the agenda of vaccination, blaming the outbreak on the statistically insignificant number of Americans who refuse to vaccinate their children, the media is deliberately ignoring the elephant in the room, the illegal aliens bussed and flown in continuously since last year by this administration from countries where measles is endemic because of lack of vaccination and poor or non-existent healthcare. Continue reading

Is There Honor in Amnesty?

The amnesty by executive fiat is a fait accompli – five million law breakers are now going to become American citizens with all the benefits American taxpayers are forced to provide, including Obamacare.
The “fiscal cost of immigration” will include: Medicaid, unemployment insurance, Social Security, workmen compensation, TANF, earned income credit, WIC, SNAP, free phones, SSI, free education, free lunch programs, kindergarten programs, day care, and other services such as police protection, fire protection, military protection, libraries, parks, highways, and over 80 different welfare programs that already provide cash, food, utilities, education, and housing to 100 million low-income Americans. Continue reading

Amnesty for 34 Million Illegal Aliens

The ISIS threat has already been forgotten and the Ebola crisis has been dumped in the lap of the Department of Defense. Climate change has been declared to be the number one threat to our national security. The next manufactured crisis to be resolved is amnesty by fiat. Continue reading

Voodoo Economics and Unemployment

Ninety-two million Americans are unemployed yet the spin masters are telling voters with a straight face that the economy is recovering nicely. The much touted 6.7 percent (U-3) unemployment rate has dropped again miraculously in December thanks to voodoo economics and statistics that totally discount millions of discouraged workers who have dropped out the labor force and stopped looking for work.

If Americans out of the labor force are counted, the unemployed rate is the U-6 reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 13 percent. The civilian labor force participation also dropped to 62.8 percent.
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The Confused and Misguided Youth

Dr. Thomas Sowell, Economics professor, economist, writer, and sage, encapsulated brilliantly what ails our youth. “The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t even that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.” And the culprits are the American public education, an ever growing lack of religious education, and the indifferent parenting that does not question what children learn or do not learn in school.
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