Talking to Joseph Stalin

H. G. Wells and Joseph Stalin H.G. Wells and Joseph Stalin
H.G. Wells, the prolific British sci-fi writer, who self-described to be a socialist left of Stalin, interviewed the infamous Soviet dictator for three hours on July 23, 1934. The interview was recorded by Constantine Oumansky, the chief of the Press Bureau of the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. Continue reading

“Building the Machine” Shines Light on Common Core

“Common Core will be raising good little socialists, who are in tune with their feelings, not so much their critical thinking skills.” – Author unknown
“Common sense of the common people is more important for the health of the nation than the ideas of the philosophical elites.” – Wayne Brasler

Pinocchio Wikipedia Photo: Wikipedia
The best documentary on the National Common Core Standards, Building the Machine, was directed by Ian A. Reid, who set out to illuminate the sixty-two percent of Americans who had not heard of Common Core in 2013. Continue reading