Academic Indoctrination into Communism and Pinkoism

“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
~ Albert Einstein
The latest main stream media apoplectic vilification of our President focused 24/7 on his meeting with Putin in Helsinki, what he should have done and said to Putin. People with journalism degrees are suddenly experts at everything. Although the left’s deranged rhetoric against our President caused irreparable damage to our country, it might be the least of our worries at the moment. Continue reading

Progressivism Makes America Worse

Americans are bored with their abundant lifestyle. Western civilization is bored with its wealth, bucolic life, and success. Academics and Hollywood elites have taken it upon themselves to bring all this success and wealth down a few notches if not to the first rung of the prosperity ladder. Continue reading

Karl Marx and Cultural Marxism


On May 5, 2018, the Marxists, sponsored by the World Workers Party, will be gearing up in New York to celebrate 200 years since the birth of their communist guru, Karl Marx, the one man whose philosophy had enabled the killing of more innocents than many global wars combined. Continue reading

The Marxist Paradise of Millennials

I watched countless videos of Millennials interviewed on various campuses around the nation by people with knowledge of history or survivors of communism who were lucky enough to escape to this country or other western nations whose economies are based on the capitalist free market model and not the socialist one. Continue reading

Cultural Marxism Indoctrination into Islam through Opera

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Photo: Wikipedia
The “enlightened” and multicultural” public from Cluj Napoca attended recently Karl Jenkins’ The Armed Man, a Mass for Peace, an “opera that included a Muslim muezzin chanting the call to prayer.” It was a thinly-veiled attempt to force Romanians to accept the Cultural Marxism agenda of the European Union which is implemented through the heavy islamization of Europe’s population. Continue reading

Education Created and Promoted Progressivism, ANTIFA, and BLM

As a parent who struggles to pay tuition for their child at the average university in America, or goes in debt borrowing the money, consider what your child must face in order to finish a four-year college education which may or may not help them get a job.
The American campus is no longer the place of learning, to discuss and exchange ideas, it has become a place of indoctrination, of fear, a place where your children are further indoctrinated, and are not prepared to deal with or function in real life and in the job world. Continue reading

Cultural Marxism and the Red International Women’s Day

FORWARD Global civic demonstrations as practiced by young and compass-less anarchist hordes has become the latest expression of cultural Marxism, an “unseen plague which corrupted America” and now threatens the rest of the western world, including small, formerly communist countries that allegedly overcame Soviet satellite status. Continue reading

Teaching Is an Art, Teachers Are Not Made

“To act on the belief that we possess the knowledge and the power which enable us to shape the processes of society entirely to our liking, knowledge which in fact we do not possess, is likely to make us do much harm.” – Friedrich Hayek, The Pretence of Knowledge

Das Narrenschiff Das Narrenschiff (Ship of Fools)
The week of June 11, 2016 issue of The Economist published a one page editorial on “How to make a good teacher.” It makes a very weak case that teachers can be trained. There is obviously no stated government mold for such a teacher. There is teacher licensing set by the Department of Education which requires teachers to be graduates of the College of Education and mandates that teaching methodology courses and student teaching are part of the College of Education curriculum for future teachers. Continue reading

“Building the Machine” Shines Light on Common Core

“Common Core will be raising good little socialists, who are in tune with their feelings, not so much their critical thinking skills.” – Author unknown
“Common sense of the common people is more important for the health of the nation than the ideas of the philosophical elites.” – Wayne Brasler

Pinocchio Wikipedia Photo: Wikipedia
The best documentary on the National Common Core Standards, Building the Machine, was directed by Ian A. Reid, who set out to illuminate the sixty-two percent of Americans who had not heard of Common Core in 2013. Continue reading