Rational Thinking Replaced by Progressive Emoting

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” – George Orwell
I have often wondered how the youth of the world hold in synch same beliefs, education, and outlook about the future of the planet. How can people from such diverse cultures, history, languages, and backgrounds share identical ideas and thoughts? How did they all decide to join the same movement such as #resist? Why are Americans resisting abundance and freedom? Why are they craving communist government oppression? Continue reading

Cultural Marxism and the Red International Women’s Day

FORWARD Global civic demonstrations as practiced by young and compass-less anarchist hordes has become the latest expression of cultural Marxism, an “unseen plague which corrupted America” and now threatens the rest of the western world, including small, formerly communist countries that allegedly overcame Soviet satellite status. Continue reading

Progressive Justice and the Communist Diet

Photo: Wikipedia commons Iosif Berman, Bucuresti covrigi

Photo: Wikipedia commons
Iosif Berman, Bucuresti covrigi

Under communism we had all types of justice you progressive drones are demanding during your violent riots: gender, environmental, social, reproductive, and food justice, long before the millennial snowflakes started asking for safe spaces, crayons, and animals to pet because they are afraid of reality, and long before the regressive left started inventing new ways and outrageous euphemisms, such as “white privilege,” to claim and steal other people’s money, goods, and services they have not earned. Continue reading

Survivors of Communism Speak at George Mason University

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” – Winston Churchill

speech-on-communism-photo Nahm Lam, Slavko Martyniuk, and Agustin Blazques, the distinguished speakers
The Ronald Reagan lecture series introduced three distinguished speakers, two survivors of communism from Cuba and Ukraine, and the American child of a Vietnamese family who fled communism, to the student body at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, on October 3, 2016 with the idea to warn the audience about the dangers of socialism and communism. The event was hosted by the College Republicans of which less than five were present. Four more GMU students attended “out of curiosity” and the rest of the audience was composed of older adults from the local community. Continue reading

Non-Governmental Organizations’ Role in Global Governance

“The fear of capitalism has compelled socialism to widen freedom, and the fear of socialism has compelled capitalism to increase equality. East is West and West is East, and soon the twain will meet.” – Will and Ariel Durant in Lesson of History
Photo: Wikipedia
The developed world appears to be changing in the same direction, at the same time, at an alarming speed, relatively speaking. What is the common dominator and drive behind this change towards a one world global governance and global citizenship? What is rushing everything towards global socialism? How is this possible when countries have different levels of development, education, economies, government, history, religion, wars, and conflicts? Continue reading

Propaganda, Totalitarianism, and Somnambulism

Propaganda indoctrination springing from totalitarian regimes can have two human reactions: apathy and indifference to everything happening around you, admitting to yourself that there is nothing you can do about it, or the intense desire to study and understand it as if that process alone begins to redress what is wrong with such a system. Continue reading

The Paris Massacre, Social Justice, and Redistribution of Wealth

Social justice is defined as “promoting a just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity.” It can only exist when “all people share a common humanity and therefore have a right to equitable treatment, support for their human rights, and a fair allocation of community resources.” http://gjs.appstate.edu/social-justice-and-human-rights/what-social-justice

There are many problems with this definition. Continue reading

Global Bankruptcy, Sustainable Development, and Propaganda

Ever so caring for the fate of humanity, Pope Francis’ duties have now extended from world climatologist, population control, and critic of free market economics, to expert on global bankruptcy. He said, “The goods of the Earth are meant for everyone, and however much someone may parade his property, it has a social mortgage.” Continue reading

Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Climate Change

(Photo: Ileana Johnson 2008)
Extremely curious at the media allegation that the “scientific Pantheist who advises Pope Francis” and has swayed “Laudato Si” (named so after St. Francis of Assisi’s canticle), “seems to believe in Gaia, but not in God,” I set out to read for myself the climate change encyclical in Italian. Continue reading