History Forgotten, the Armenian Genocide and the Assyrians Today

“Around the world, Christians are facing violence, persecution, brutality in a way we have not seen in generations.” – Rey Flores, “The Wanderer”
Yazidi boy in Iraqi Kurdistan August 2014 Yazidi boy in Iraqi Kurdistan
August 2014 Photo: Wikipedia
The leftist charlatans with their fake “war on women” movement are deafly silent in the face of a real genocide, the deliberate and brutal torture and killings of Christian men and women. Yazidi women and girls are kidnapped, raped, and driven into a life of slavery to ISIS as forced converts to Islam. Continue reading

The Paris Massacre, Social Justice, and Redistribution of Wealth

Social justice is defined as “promoting a just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity.” It can only exist when “all people share a common humanity and therefore have a right to equitable treatment, support for their human rights, and a fair allocation of community resources.” http://gjs.appstate.edu/social-justice-and-human-rights/what-social-justice

There are many problems with this definition. Continue reading

U.N. Agenda 21 Has Now Morphed into Agenda 2030

UN Sustainable Development Summit september 25-27-2015
After forty years of socialist indoctrination in schools and LGBT activism, the progressive agenda is finally bearing fruit. Gloating that the Women of the Left and GLAAD were victorious over our country, a recent Rush Limbaugh caller said that our country is in such a mess right now, that Christians won’t even help their own when religious rights are trampled. The warping and destruction of our children’s minds in schools is so complete, they now think the way feminist and LGBT militants want them to think, the caller concluded. Continue reading

Global Bankruptcy, Sustainable Development, and Propaganda

Ever so caring for the fate of humanity, Pope Francis’ duties have now extended from world climatologist, population control, and critic of free market economics, to expert on global bankruptcy. He said, “The goods of the Earth are meant for everyone, and however much someone may parade his property, it has a social mortgage.” Continue reading

Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Climate Change

(Photo: Ileana Johnson 2008)
Extremely curious at the media allegation that the “scientific Pantheist who advises Pope Francis” and has swayed “Laudato Si” (named so after St. Francis of Assisi’s canticle), “seems to believe in Gaia, but not in God,” I set out to read for myself the climate change encyclical in Italian. Continue reading

The Armenian Genocide

Around the world, Christians are facing violence, persecution, brutality in a way we have not seen in generations.” – Rey Flores, “The Wanderer”
NY_Times_Armenian_genocide New York Times article published on December 15, 1915
The hypocritical “war on women” movement is deafly silent, no real effort to save the captives, and good men are doing nothing when faced daily with photographs of Christian hostages on their knees, clad in orange jumpsuits, about to be beheaded, when women and girls are kidnapped, raped, genitally mutilated by ISIS, and driven into a life of slavery as forced converts to Islam. Continue reading

Promotion of Marxism Disguised as Income Inequality

Lately, as the social justice, income disparity, income inequality, economic justice rhetoric intensifies, more global and Hollywood elites crawl out of the woodwork to confuse, agitate, and inflame the low information voters.

When almost 50 percent of the American public does not work and relies on some form of government welfare paid for by the other 50 percent of the working population, it is perplexing when former White House economic adviser Lawrence Summers states that “The U.S. may well be on the way to becoming a ‘Downton Abbey’ economy.”
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