Water and the Climate Change Industry

“The water you drink today has likely been around in one form or another since dinosaurs roamed the Earth, hundreds of millions of years ago.” – National Geographic
“Water which is too pure has no fish.” – Anonymous

Water is life and it is recyclable, covering 70 percent of our planet; 2.5 percent is fresh water and “only 1 percent is easily accessible, the rest is trapped in glaciers and snowfields.” National Geographic noted that freshwater is in crisis because levels have remained the same over millennia but the human population has exploded to seven billion and thus water use based on population size and animal use is unsustainable. http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/freshwater/freshwater-crisis/ Continue reading

Global Governance to Subvert our Sovereignty through Mayors

Another program/initiative will be implemented quietly around the country in 2016 while American citizens are blissfully unaware. The United States Council of Mayors (USCM) has announced in March 2015 that they are supporting the Global Parliament of Mayors.
The announcement seems innocuous enough. We have global partnerships springing up all the time now. Our children are being indoctrinated in public and private schools to become global citizens, with no allegiance to their own country; they belong to the globe, with United Nations at the helm. Many institutions of higher learning and k-12 advertise proudly the preparation of the global citizens. Continue reading

U.N. Agenda 21 Has Now Morphed into Agenda 2030

UN Sustainable Development Summit september 25-27-2015
After forty years of socialist indoctrination in schools and LGBT activism, the progressive agenda is finally bearing fruit. Gloating that the Women of the Left and GLAAD were victorious over our country, a recent Rush Limbaugh caller said that our country is in such a mess right now, that Christians won’t even help their own when religious rights are trampled. The warping and destruction of our children’s minds in schools is so complete, they now think the way feminist and LGBT militants want them to think, the caller concluded. Continue reading

“Global Wind Scam Day”

Danish mink farm Danish mink farm (Photo: WCN)
Touting the power of wind and “the possibilities to reshape our energy systems, decarbonize our economies and boost job growth,” the Global Wind Day is coordinated worldwide by the European Wind Energy Association, the Global Wind Energy Council, and various national associations. Continue reading

The Green Growth Sustainability of Washington, D.C.

The Green Growth Sustainability of U.N. Agenda 21 has finally arrived in our nation’s capital. Mayor Vincent C. Gray announced last week his “Sustainability D.C.” plan to make the District of Columbia “the healthiest, greenest, and most livable city in the United States” by 2032.
He plans “zero-net buildings that generate at least as much energy as they produce,” reducing the amount of salt spread on the roads, and charging residents per bag of trash pickup. (Washington Post, Mike DeBonis, February 20, 2013)
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Epilogue to My New Book, U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy

When President Obama says, “We don’t need more roads in the suburbs,” he is pushing and forcing us into the United Nations Agenda 21. On my recent trip to Europe, I experienced the many effects of Agenda 21 compliance.
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