Welcome Everyone, Take Our Country

I remember the curiosity and kindness that greeted me in the southern part of the United States in 1978. People went out of their way to meet this foreigner to their lands who came from such a far-away country. Many did not know where my country was but they knew it was an Iron Curtain nation where people lived under religious oppression, could not go to church, have a Bible in their homes, or pray. But they could not fathom the exploitation of the soul, body, and mind that my people had to suffer under totalitarian communism. Continue reading

Trump’s Wall

President Trump proposed a 20 percent tariff on imports from Mexico in order to pay for the wall he plans to build on the southern border. It is assumed that the 20 percent tariff is a negotiating starting point. A tariff is a tax on imports which will make a product more expensive and favor domestically produced goods over imports, while raising revenue for the government of our country. Continue reading

De-Nationalize and Globalize

The new American flag
I have described in my book, “Liberty on Life Support,” the American economy and the country in general as a comatose patient. There was even a widely circulating cartoon on social media picturing Uncle Sam on a hospital gurney, attached to life support, barely clinging to life. At first glance it may seem a gross exaggeration until you actually look at the national debt clock, understand the true state of the economy, the condition of the socialist and collectivist education driven by Common Core, and the political power and corruption. Continue reading

Global Governance to Subvert our Sovereignty through Mayors

Another program/initiative will be implemented quietly around the country in 2016 while American citizens are blissfully unaware. The United States Council of Mayors (USCM) has announced in March 2015 that they are supporting the Global Parliament of Mayors.
The announcement seems innocuous enough. We have global partnerships springing up all the time now. Our children are being indoctrinated in public and private schools to become global citizens, with no allegiance to their own country; they belong to the globe, with United Nations at the helm. Many institutions of higher learning and k-12 advertise proudly the preparation of the global citizens. Continue reading

Dr. Savage Asks, “Where is America’s Marine Le Pen?”

Marine Le Pen 2 Marine Le Pen Photo: Wikipedia
In his valiant attempt to save our country from the illegal immigration invasion, the conservative talk show host Dr. Michael Savage asked with much passion the rhetorical question, “Where is America’s Marine Le Pen?” Continue reading

CPAC 2015’s Conservative View of Immigration Focused on “Consensus”

“We are not a nation of immigrants, we are a nation of citizens” – Mark Levine to CPAC
CPAC Panel on Immigration 2015 CPAC 2015 Immigration Panel
From left: Alfonso Aguilar, Rep. Jeff Duncan, Charlie Gerow, and Mario Lopez
Photo: Ileana Johnson 2015
Among the glitz and conservative rhetoric of CPAC 2015, one important panel discussion was barely attended by 40-50 people – “Immigration: Can Conservatives Reach a Consensus?” It is in my estimation an issue that is going to fundamentally alter the makeup of our society forever. Continue reading

Loss of Sovereignty Disguised as Compassion

“There are seven things that will destroy us: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, religion without sacrifice, politics without principle, science without humanity, business without ethics.” – Mahatma Gandhi

southern borderA Kauai man was sentenced to one year probation and a $200 fine on May 29, 2014 for letting his 8 year old son walk one mile home as punishment for getting in trouble at school. I wondered what the progressive courts would do to American parents who would allow their minor children to trek unaccompanied across Mexico, hanging on trains, on buses, walking with a coyote, in order to arrive in a more prosperous country where welfare and economic security would await them through the generosity of a president who decided to nullify the southern border? Social services and progressives don’t seem to have any words of criticism for such neglectful parenting. On the contrary, they are praising their courage. I would not exactly call this type of parental abuse courage. Continue reading