Welcome Everyone, Take Our Country

I remember the curiosity and kindness that greeted me in the southern part of the United States in 1978. People went out of their way to meet this foreigner to their lands who came from such a far-away country. Many did not know where my country was but they knew it was an Iron Curtain nation where people lived under religious oppression, could not go to church, have a Bible in their homes, or pray. But they could not fathom the exploitation of the soul, body, and mind that my people had to suffer under totalitarian communism. Continue reading

The 1970s America is Gone Not by the Tides of Change

Photo: Ileana Johnson 2015
The first Americans I’ve met, Pam and her husband James from Chicago worked with my dad at the refinery. He was an engineer from a small family and she followed him to this God-forsaken country where everyone seemed to be a prisoner. They appeared friendly in a plastic way, smiling all the time for no apparent reason, totally unconcerned about the misery of the oppressed Romanians around them, barely surviving under communism. Continue reading

Should Illegal Aliens Not Get to the Back of the Line?

Millions and millions of legal aliens past and present must feel pretty betrayed and foolish that they have followed the law, spent endless hours filling out paperwork, paid expensive fees, waited and waited, traveled to immigration offices sometimes in faraway places at great cost to them, subjected themselves to interrogations, fingerprinting, medical tests to prove that they were healthy, undergoing financial cross-examination to make sure they would not become a burden to American society, in order to legally immigrate to the United States as resident aliens. Continue reading

Where is the Rule of Law?

“A lie can go half way around the world before truth can even put its pants on.” – Mark Twain

Where are common sense, logic, critical thinking, belief in God, accountability, and the Rule of Law? Have they been replaced by the Fabians’ Social Justice Doctrine, controlled chaos, endless corruption, good is bad, evil is good, mindless propaganda, and political correctness?
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