The #resist Movement as an International Phenomenon

The #resist movement in this country started, by their own website admission, fifty years ago with the protest against the war in Vietnam. Today, they are resisting with vile language and actions our President Trump, his administration, police, all rational Americans who do not believe in anthropogenic global warming/climate change, our borders, our sovereignty, free markets, and anything rational that involves thought instead of rabid feelings. ANTIFA, a very fascistic organization, and BLM, a very racist organization, and pink vagina-hats women, are the most prominent and visible groups of the #resist movement. Continue reading

Have Americans Lost Their Minds?

The Ship of Fools
“Sadly, too many Americans have lost their collective minds and found their collectivist minds.” – A. J. Cameron
Western Europeans have been watching the vitriolic opposition to President Trump with great personal interest, wondering if Americans have lost their minds. Being the inveterate leftists that they are, even in the face of demographic suicide, they were rooting for a like-minded female socialist who vowed to turn the U.S. into the European basket case model of failed multiculturalism and diversity, flooding their countries with more and more Islamists in order to forever change the western culture into a Caliphate. The MSM reported ad litteram the same Teleprompter talking points, that she was the most experienced statesman of the two. No mention of her corruption or scandals, just a constant digging for fabricated dirt on then candidate Trump. Continue reading

Dinesh D’Souza and Bill Ayers Debate American Exceptionalism

220px-Dinesh_D'Souza Dinesh D’Souza (Wikipedia photo)
Bill-Ayers-270x230 Bill Ayers (Wikipedia photo)
An interesting debate, sponsored by the Young Americans Foundation, took place on February 3, 2016 at the University of Michigan between author and film producer Dinesh D’Souza and the progressive retired professor Bill Ayers, a moderated debate with Q & A watched on line by approximately 3,000 Americans. Continue reading

“Combating Hate in Europe” Forum

Combating Hate in Europe photo From left to right: Fred Hiatt, Washington Post moderator, Peter Wettig, German Ambassador, Gerard Araud, French Ambassador, David O’Sullivan, EU Ambassador to the U.S.
(Photo: Ileana Johnson 2016)

Despite the snowy conditions in Washington, D.C., the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum held a program on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 27, 2016 on the topic of “Combating Hate in Europe.”
In advertising the forum, the museum explained the importance of such a program.
“Around the world, antisemitism, religious persecution, and violent extremism are on the rise, and each threatens the stability and freedoms that democratic leaders are working to preserve.” Continue reading

Crybullies’ Safe Spaces or Spaces to Whine?

In the face of worldwide “refugee” crisis, the poor ISIS fighters who had slaughtered, tortured, and enslaved thousands in their wake, sneaking into Europe and U.S., blowing up and killing more than 129 innocents in Paris and 14 in San Bernardino, injuring hundreds others, the world’s leaders have met in Paris not to discuss the existential Islamist threat to the world, but their faux concerns of the climate change industry, potentially worth trillions, instead of the imminent threat of Islam around the world coming from ISIS. Elites are more interested in fleecing and spreading the western world’s wealth to the third world, whose leadership dominates the U.N., rather than in the safety of their own citizens. Continue reading

Should Illegal Aliens Not Get to the Back of the Line?

Millions and millions of legal aliens past and present must feel pretty betrayed and foolish that they have followed the law, spent endless hours filling out paperwork, paid expensive fees, waited and waited, traveled to immigration offices sometimes in faraway places at great cost to them, subjected themselves to interrogations, fingerprinting, medical tests to prove that they were healthy, undergoing financial cross-examination to make sure they would not become a burden to American society, in order to legally immigrate to the United States as resident aliens. Continue reading

“The Extras on Life’s Stage”

As I sit at lunch across from young people in their early thirties, discussing the reasons why Americans have lost patriotism and respect for their own country, I am reminded of Dr. Savage’s monologue describing the average American in New York City who goes about his daily business as “extras on life’s stage,” not unlike the average Roman who only cared about, according to a quote from Cato the Elder, “the pebble in his shoe.” Continue reading

Executive Action for Immigration

The President’s “immigration accountability executive action” has confused many Americans since a president’s action is more or less a “wish list” and does not have the legally-binding power of an executive order. Unlike an executive order, an executive action is not published in the Federal Register. An executive order can be reversed by Congress or by the courts. Is this executive action meant to obfuscate the illegal immigration issue and postpone the “fixing of the broken immigration,” a euphemism for refusing to enforce the already existing laws? Continue reading

The New Pathway to Citizenship

Forgiving the breaking of the law is the new pathway to citizenship. Assimilation is no longer the goal of immigration. Immigration used to be assimilation into the American culture, becoming an American citizen. But the left has devised a new requirement for bringing the “frightened people” who broke the law “out of the shadows.” Never mind that they live among us in plain sight, free to come and go as they please, taking advantage of our country and of our hospitality.
The new pathway to citizenship is forcing Americans to accept law breakers as equals, as citizens with the same rights and benefits but not the same responsibilities we have as American citizens. Continue reading

A Disconnect between National Preparedness for Potential Ebola Outbreak and What the Public is Told

Photo source: the Web
Michael Snyder asked the obvious question, “How in the world is it possible that more than 170 health workers have been infected by the Ebola virus?” The World Health Organization does not seem to have the answer even though health workers are dressed “head to toe in suits that are specifically designed to prevent the spread of the virus.” Continue reading