Quarantine Quandary

Photo: Courtesy of Facebook Timeline Photos

Photo: Courtesy of Facebook Timeline Photos

As the ISIS crisis is conveniently ignored right before the election, the main stream media is focusing on the next crisis, the Ebola spread and the schizophrenic response from the CDC. Meanwhile Congress is silent, waiting for guidance on what opinion they should form before they actually do the job they were elected to do, legislate to protect the best interests of the American people.

The Congressional Research Service has issued a report on October 9, 2014, RL 33201, outlining the federal and state quarantine and isolation authority. Jared P. Cole, Legislative attorney, overviewed the state and federal public health laws in regards to the “quarantine and isolation of individuals” when individual liberties will be restricted. http://fas.org/sgp/crs/homesec/RL33201.pdf Continue reading

Brigitte Gabriel Explains Islamic Jihad


Warriors for freedom: Judge Jeanine Pirro and Brigitte Gabriel
Photo: Ileana Johnson 2014

Brigitte Gabriel, founder and CEO of ACT for America, opened their annual conference in Washington, D.C. on September 10, 2014, with a rousing speech and a five minute lesson on Islam. Continue reading

A Disconnect between National Preparedness for Potential Ebola Outbreak and What the Public is Told

Photo source: the Web
Michael Snyder asked the obvious question, “How in the world is it possible that more than 170 health workers have been infected by the Ebola virus?” The World Health Organization does not seem to have the answer even though health workers are dressed “head to toe in suits that are specifically designed to prevent the spread of the virus.” http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-08-12/one-question-about-ebola-nobody-can-seem-answer Continue reading

Smart Meter – The Drone Attached to Your House

Once a week I check with bated breath my conventional meter attached to the side of my house. I want to make sure no smart meter had been installed in my absence and without my permission. I have written to my utility company that I do not wish to have a smart meter installed, I mailed the letter return receipt requested to make sure that they cannot claim non-receipt. I called the utility office and again, voiced my desire to keep my conventional meter. I received a form letter, telling me that there are no plans yet, smart meters are safe, and there is no opt out, please check the website, etc. I posted a large sign by my conventional meter that they do not have my permission to install a smart meter. When the meter is read, the sign disappears or I find it in the grass. I gave up replacing it. I seem to fight the monopolistic goliath who is the only provider of power.
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