Smart, Switch, Sweat, and Shiver

The federal government in Canada has moved to pass coal phase-out legislation into law with its Just Transition Task Force in favor of “clean energy.”
“The end of coal power will help usher in a new era for renewable energy,” said David Suzuki Foundation director of science and policy Ian Bruce. “With conventional coal-fired power officially headed for the history books, people across the country can literally breathe easier about the future of energy production.” Continue reading

The Continuing Saga of Smart Meters

For those of you who have just heard of smart meters, or have had one placed on your home knowingly or unknowingly, or for those who think that said smart meters are a new development around the world to make it cheaper and easier for you to get electricity, gas and water via the smart grid, think again. Continue reading

Smart Meters, Watching Our Lives

Smart Meter
Under the guise of climate change advocacy which pretends to save the planet from a non-existent anthropogenic global warming, people across the globe have been forced by utilities and their governments to accept smart meters as readers of their electricity consumption. I called these smart meters in my book, “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy,” drones attached to our homes. Continue reading

Our Lives and Freedoms Matter More Than Progressive Propaganda

Geese Photo: Ileana Johnson 2015
The regime’s main stream media purposefully ignores the latest renewable energy news and events while bombarding us non-stop with gay issues, Christian bashing, manufactured “white privilege” stretching to the nude color of bras and Band-Aids, and “black lives matter” idiotic disruptions of restaurant patrons around the country, patrons that have nothing to do with the black on black crime in areas such as Chicago. Continue reading

Climate Change Causes Everything So Let’s Fundamentally Change Our Economy

Photo: Ileana Johnson, 2014

Photo: Ileana Johnson, 2014

As the global warming alarmists tell us that the science is settled, there is no debate, and government bureaucrats are going full-speed ahead with taxation plans that will further weaken our already suffering economy, honest and wise politicians like Delegate Scott Lingamfelter of Virginia ask, “let’s see the physical science, not the political science before we strap Americans with huge taxes as the Obama Administration wants to do.” We should not formulate public policy such as carbon tax when the real science is constantly changing. Continue reading

Smart Meters and Shopping

Samples of Smart Meters

Samples of Smart Meters

I went shopping today for a pair of pants. I was hoping it would only take a few minutes. How difficult could that be in the land of plenty? As I entered the large department store, I was greeted by stifling heat and humidity. This particular department store chain uses smart meters, cycled and controlled by the power company from a remote location in order to “save” them money. Customers and employees suffer because a small group of elites have managed to convince and bribe bureaucrats and politicians into pushing the agenda of non-existent global warming. Continue reading

Cap andTrade, Solar Power, Wind Turbines, Smart Meters, and Bio Fuels, Global Government Gone Wild

“Unfortunately, human nature cannot be changed by an act of the legislature.” – Calvin Coolidge

The weatherman at KUSI-TV, John Coleman, the Weather Channel founder, had told Red Eye host on Fox News a long time ago that he wanted to sue Al Gore for global warming fraud. He said that “30,000 scientists among whom 9,000 have Ph.D.’s have signed on to debunk global warming.”

In spite of their efforts, global warming advocates have marched on, transforming how we obtain and use energy in this country and around the globe.
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How Much Do You Like Your Electricity?

“I pledge allegiance to the Earth and all its sacred parts. Its water, land, and living things and all its human hearts.”
-Global Education Associates, The Earth Pledge

If you like your electricity, refrigeration, and air conditioning, you should pay careful attention. Most readers are by now familiar with Smart Meters that read electricity, gas, and water consumption from a remote location. They are mandated and forced upon us by the United Nations Agenda 21 through its octopus arms of the EPA, the federal government, NGOs, and local and state governments in the name of saving the planet. The Utility Mother Ship can turn off your power during peak consumption, very hot or cold days, and adjust your thermostats and appliances from far away.
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The Smart Meter Cost

I devoted four chapters to Smart Meters in my book, “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy,” showing the deleterious effects they have on humans in terms of health, privacy, fires, higher electricity costs, and how other states and countries have dealt with the forced installation.
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The Killing of the Smart Meter Bill

I did something uncharacteristic of me and out of my comfort zone – I testified in the Virginia Senate in support of SB 797, The Smart Meter Bill, on January 28, 2013. It was an interesting lesson in “government for the corporatists” that will stay with me for a long time. No longer do I trust that all of those we elect are going to do the right thing for the people who elected them.
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