Agenda 21/2030 Foreshadows the Convention of States

The recently installed speed tables around the mall are too high, the asphalt around is crumbling and deep pools of rain water are gathering around them as there is no proper drainage. These were totally unnecessary; on any given day traffic is backed up and very slow, nobody is speeding. They were installed to make it more difficult for people to use their cars to go shopping; the regional planners want residents to use the new metro line and the bus lines already in existence. They want to “nudge” Americans out of their cars. Continue reading

Tom DeWeese Fights for Property Rights

Property owners in Texas have received a temporary reprieve when the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which attempted to grab 90,000 acres of “Texas sovereign land” along the banks of the Red River, stopped the surveys that were ordered by the Obama administration. Continue reading

Home Sweet Home in Freight Shipping Containers



While the world is sizzling and percolating in conflicts and wars, and U.S. is roiling in manufactured crisis after crisis, real or imagined emergencies, overwhelmed by the constant invasion of illegal immigrants, The Washington Post writes on the front page, “Thinking inside the box on D.C. housing costs,” living in repurposed dinged freight shipping containers. Two days before, Deborah K. Dietsch featured “Thinking big in a small way.” (Michael Laris, July 21, 2014) Continue reading

How Much Do You Like Your Electricity?

“I pledge allegiance to the Earth and all its sacred parts. Its water, land, and living things and all its human hearts.”
-Global Education Associates, The Earth Pledge

If you like your electricity, refrigeration, and air conditioning, you should pay careful attention. Most readers are by now familiar with Smart Meters that read electricity, gas, and water consumption from a remote location. They are mandated and forced upon us by the United Nations Agenda 21 through its octopus arms of the EPA, the federal government, NGOs, and local and state governments in the name of saving the planet. The Utility Mother Ship can turn off your power during peak consumption, very hot or cold days, and adjust your thermostats and appliances from far away.
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The Green Growth Sustainability of Washington, D.C.

The Green Growth Sustainability of U.N. Agenda 21 has finally arrived in our nation’s capital. Mayor Vincent C. Gray announced last week his “Sustainability D.C.” plan to make the District of Columbia “the healthiest, greenest, and most livable city in the United States” by 2032.
He plans “zero-net buildings that generate at least as much energy as they produce,” reducing the amount of salt spread on the roads, and charging residents per bag of trash pickup. (Washington Post, Mike DeBonis, February 20, 2013)
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The Boneta Bill in Virginia to Protect the Right to Farm

Martha Boneta never dreamed that she would be at the center of a battle in Virginia that will have implications for every small farmer in America. I have met her last year and wrote two articles ( about her battle with the board of supervisors in Fauquier County. I have featured Martha in my book, “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy.” (
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National Heritage Sites and Agenda 21

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, how many single-family homes damaged by the storm surge will be rebuilt as high density dwellings? This is after all, the Smart Growth trend across the country – destroy traditional homes in the suburbs because they are “unsustainable” and build high rises in inner cities.
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Epilogue to My New Book, U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy

When President Obama says, “We don’t need more roads in the suburbs,” he is pushing and forcing us into the United Nations Agenda 21. On my recent trip to Europe, I experienced the many effects of Agenda 21 compliance.
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I am not sure when subsequent generations, our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will no longer be permitted access in zones marked off-limits to human habitation and trespassing in accordance with the dictates of UN Agenda 21 and the now infamous Wildlands Project map.
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