Agenda 21/2030 Foreshadows the Convention of States

The recently installed speed tables around the mall are too high, the asphalt around is crumbling and deep pools of rain water are gathering around them as there is no proper drainage. These were totally unnecessary; on any given day traffic is backed up and very slow, nobody is speeding. They were installed to make it more difficult for people to use their cars to go shopping; the regional planners want residents to use the new metro line and the bus lines already in existence. They want to “nudge” Americans out of their cars. Continue reading

Tom DeWeese Fights for Property Rights

Property owners in Texas have received a temporary reprieve when the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which attempted to grab 90,000 acres of “Texas sovereign land” along the banks of the Red River, stopped the surveys that were ordered by the Obama administration. Continue reading