The Sustainable Development Cabal of the United Nations is Meeting Again

Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.” – Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the U.N. Earth Summit, 1992.
The U.N. Agenda 21 adopted in 1992 and signed by 178 countries has morphed into Agenda 2030 adopted in 2015 with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and 169 “specific targets.” As Alex Newman described it, it is a recipe for “global socialism and corporatism/fascism” foisted upon the world by the United Nations. Continue reading

Agenda 21/2030 Foreshadows the Convention of States

The recently installed speed tables around the mall are too high, the asphalt around is crumbling and deep pools of rain water are gathering around them as there is no proper drainage. These were totally unnecessary; on any given day traffic is backed up and very slow, nobody is speeding. They were installed to make it more difficult for people to use their cars to go shopping; the regional planners want residents to use the new metro line and the bus lines already in existence. They want to “nudge” Americans out of their cars. Continue reading

Water and the Climate Change Industry

“The water you drink today has likely been around in one form or another since dinosaurs roamed the Earth, hundreds of millions of years ago.” – National Geographic
“Water which is too pure has no fish.” – Anonymous

Water is life and it is recyclable, covering 70 percent of our planet; 2.5 percent is fresh water and “only 1 percent is easily accessible, the rest is trapped in glaciers and snowfields.” National Geographic noted that freshwater is in crisis because levels have remained the same over millennia but the human population has exploded to seven billion and thus water use based on population size and animal use is unsustainable. Continue reading

Our Lives and Freedoms Matter More Than Progressive Propaganda

Geese Photo: Ileana Johnson 2015
The regime’s main stream media purposefully ignores the latest renewable energy news and events while bombarding us non-stop with gay issues, Christian bashing, manufactured “white privilege” stretching to the nude color of bras and Band-Aids, and “black lives matter” idiotic disruptions of restaurant patrons around the country, patrons that have nothing to do with the black on black crime in areas such as Chicago. Continue reading

Time to Counter Land Trust Abuse Against Farmers

One chapter is dedicated to Martha's story.

One chapter is dedicated to Martha’s story.

Tired of land trust agents frequently abusing the public trust and the rights of property owners, Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center, Martha Boneta, owner of Liberty Farm in Paris, Virginia and other major property rights advocates are organizing a property rights rally, conference, and an early morning hearing before the Virginia Outdoors Federation on November 6, 2014 in Richmond, Virginia at the Department of Conservation and Recreation. Continue reading