Clexit and the “Parasitical” Climate Change Industry

“The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many, doing too well economically, and burning too much oil.” – Sir James Lovelock, BBC Interview
Sign in Nashville airport 9-28-15 Photo taken by Ileana Johnson in September 2015 in Nashville airport
Viv Forbes, in a media release on August 1, 2016, announced the founding of Clexit, Climate Exit, by “over 60 well-informed science, business and economic leaders from 16 countries.” Continue reading

Wind Turbines Are Killing Birds and Bats

stork photo from Mark Duchamp Photo courtesy of Mark Duchamp,
President, Save the Eagles International
I saw the once verdant wheat fields of Eastern Europe covered with ugly wind turbines, slowly spinning their huge blades into the wind. A few funnel dust swirls were blowing the topsoil into the air. They did not appear to be connected to any storage station that would distribute the electrical power generated. I searched and found out that they were really not connected to any network, were not generating usable electricity, they were all for show to placate the “green growth” European bureaucrats. Continue reading

Import Your Food, Why Grow It?

Baragan fields of wind turbines wikipedia Baragan Photo: Wikipedia
Øystein Hovdkinn, Norwegian Ambassador to Romania, allegedly praised Romania’s potential in energy and agriculture during a 2013 press conference, while mentioning the following inexplicable quandary. „You can feed 80 million people, but you import two-thirds of your food. It is the biggest paradox, it’s insanity.” Continue reading

Falling Oil Prices and the Climate Change Agenda

The latest falling oil prices to $55.96 (West Texas Intermediate), dropping from a high of $105 per barrel in June 2014, as a result of increased domestic oil production from fracking, is making the price of $150 per barrel of renewables look ridiculously expensive, not counting the wasted government subsidies in bankrupt solar power companies. The green agenda, which has become a climate change industry, is very lucrative for wealthy climate alarmists and for the United Nations. Continue reading

Climate Change Causes Everything So Let’s Fundamentally Change Our Economy

Photo: Ileana Johnson, 2014

Photo: Ileana Johnson, 2014

As the global warming alarmists tell us that the science is settled, there is no debate, and government bureaucrats are going full-speed ahead with taxation plans that will further weaken our already suffering economy, honest and wise politicians like Delegate Scott Lingamfelter of Virginia ask, “let’s see the physical science, not the political science before we strap Americans with huge taxes as the Obama Administration wants to do.” We should not formulate public policy such as carbon tax when the real science is constantly changing. Continue reading

Are Germany’s High Electricity Rates Coming to the United States?

Environmentalists have told us that we must reduce the escalating levels of CO2 or we risk a complete meltdown of our entire global ice cap and massive planetary destruction. Not only is the ice cap 60 percent larger this year but we have been in a cooling period for the past 16 years. Even the United Nation’s expert on global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), had to admit that their computer modeling predicting global warming Armageddon was wrong.
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How Much Do You Like Your Electricity?

“I pledge allegiance to the Earth and all its sacred parts. Its water, land, and living things and all its human hearts.”
-Global Education Associates, The Earth Pledge

If you like your electricity, refrigeration, and air conditioning, you should pay careful attention. Most readers are by now familiar with Smart Meters that read electricity, gas, and water consumption from a remote location. They are mandated and forced upon us by the United Nations Agenda 21 through its octopus arms of the EPA, the federal government, NGOs, and local and state governments in the name of saving the planet. The Utility Mother Ship can turn off your power during peak consumption, very hot or cold days, and adjust your thermostats and appliances from far away.
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