The #resist Movement as an International Phenomenon

The #resist movement in this country started, by their own website admission, fifty years ago with the protest against the war in Vietnam. Today, they are resisting with vile language and actions our President Trump, his administration, police, all rational Americans who do not believe in anthropogenic global warming/climate change, our borders, our sovereignty, free markets, and anything rational that involves thought instead of rabid feelings. ANTIFA, a very fascistic organization, and BLM, a very racist organization, and pink vagina-hats women, are the most prominent and visible groups of the #resist movement. Continue reading

Big Brother of Smarter Planet, Smarter Cities

DSC01153 Photo: Ileana Johnson 2009
IBM has a vision for you, Mr. and Mrs. Global Citizen, a vision for Smarter Cities around the globe. You have not been consulted about it but you will be subjected to their vision whether you agree to it or not. And if you want to learn more about IBM’s international effort to build “a Smarter Planet, Smarter Cities,” in preparation for what they dubbed, “the cognitive era,” you can read more about it here. Continue reading

Interview across Cyber Space

“Truth is sleepwalking with a hole in its head.” – Mircea Brenciu
Mircea Brenciu photo Mircea Brenciu Photo: Wikipedia
I met Mircea Brenciu on a sunny day in May 2015 in the downtown park as he was delivering a speech in Brasov on Heroes Day. The background of the rally was a huge cross erected in the memory of those who lost their lives during the Revolution of December 1989, when dozens of people were shot in the anti-communist revolution. Some of those young people were buried not far behind the cross.
I don’t believe in coincidence – there is a higher purpose for this seemingly chance encounter on such an important day in Romania’s history. Continue reading

The Chronically Homeless in America

Photo Wikimedia Commons Photo: Wikipedia Commons
The mark of a civilized society is how well the most helpless are treated –animals, children, the elderly, and those who are homeless. There is always room for improvement. We are plenty generous with people from other countries, but we miss the mark when it comes to helping our own chronic homeless, the veterans, babies in the womb, the elderly, and others who cannot protect themselves. Continue reading

Non-Governmental Organizations’ Role in Global Governance

“The fear of capitalism has compelled socialism to widen freedom, and the fear of socialism has compelled capitalism to increase equality. East is West and West is East, and soon the twain will meet.” – Will and Ariel Durant in Lesson of History
Photo: Wikipedia
The developed world appears to be changing in the same direction, at the same time, at an alarming speed, relatively speaking. What is the common dominator and drive behind this change towards a one world global governance and global citizenship? What is rushing everything towards global socialism? How is this possible when countries have different levels of development, education, economies, government, history, religion, wars, and conflicts? Continue reading

Zoning Laws, Conservation Easements, and the Right to Your Land

I believe so strongly that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) pursue the path to confiscate land from American landowners and farmers under the guise of zoning laws, environmental preservation, and eminent domain that I wrote about Martha’s Plight and her Liberty Farm in my book, “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy.”
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