Common Sense Progressive and “Out of America”

“In countries where people are free, people are not ‘equal.’ In countries where everyone is ‘equal,’ people are not free.” –

The young black man described himself as a “common sense progressive.” I would have never noticed his profile in the social media, had it not been for his unreasonable defense of another rich and successful black man, a football player, who chose to ignore our National Anthem under the absurd race-baiting excuse that he was taking a stance against imagined racial and police oppression in America. Continue reading

Are You Thin Enough or Fashionable Enough for a Boutique?

Jennifer purse by Tom Ford at Neiman Marcus, the Swiss $38,100 version is crock leather “Jennifer” purse at Neiman Marcus, the $38,100 Swiss purse was croc leather.

I don’t know exactly what happened to Oprah Winfrey in the Swiss high-end boutique that allegedly refused to let her look at a $38,100 purse because it was expensive and she could not afford it. The saga turned into an accusation of racism from Oprah’s perspective, and a “she said, we said” from the shop owner’s side.

I do know, based on my frequent travels that most Europeans do not engage in acts of racism; they are elitist socialists embracing multiculturalism to the point of self-destruction.
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