Cultural Marxism and Euphemisms


Cultural Marxist academics, their sycophant students, and the main stream media are at war with America – a war of violent Marxist ideology and a war of cleverly chosen words and euphemisms that appear time and time again in many college courses, high school classes, in propaganda literature, newspapers, conferences, and in the manufactured news. Cultural Marxists are regular guests on all the alphabet soup networks masquerading as real news, spewing their hatred, their disdain and disrespect for our President, and their calls to renewed violence in the streets through their masked Black Shirts. Continue reading

Political and Societal Conundrums, Normalizing the Abnormal

As I attempted to discuss politics in my former country, one young cousin commented wryly that individuals are not preoccupied with politics like Americans are; people are too worried about daily economic survival and loss of “entitlements.” Continue reading

A Cancer across the Earth Called Globalism

I just returned from a two week trip to Romania and, I am sad to say, what many have warned us about years ago, has come to pass even in Romania, the country that had suffered so much under four decades of communist dictatorship. They managed to replace one evil master, the communists, with another, the globalists/corporatists/statists. Continue reading

Children Should Come with Instructions

“Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society.” – Aristotle

Children don’t arrive at birth with a conveniently written manual to address every parental crisis in the middle of the night. It is hard being a parent, especially a good parent, and many of us do need the Idiot’s Guide to Parenting. Liberals are more than willing to step in via free government programs to give firm instructions and to control how you raise your children. They have been pretty successful so far in taking away many parental rights while molding the next liberal generation.
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