Oceans, Climate Change Hysteria, and More Wealth Redistribution

Wikipedia photo
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) held a “side event” on June 6, 2017 during the “first-ever” United Nations Ocean Conference. This side event’s topic was “Ocean Health, Climate Change and Migration: Understanding the Nexus and Implications for People on the Move.” Continue reading

Lies and Dang Lies Environmentalists Tell

Photo: Dan Dailey

Photo: Dan Dailey

Romantic love is often blind. This is nowhere made more evident than in the environmental infatuation, if not worship, of a natural world which the modern greens will never be able to save no matter how totalitarian the movement becomes.” – R. Mark Musser, author
The green infatuation and Gaia worship were prominent in Hitler’s time. Musser talks about “the green Nazi motive of the Holocaust” in his book, Nazi Oaks. “Unbeknownst to many, the highway to modern environmentalism passed through Nazi Germany. By 1935, the Third Reich was the greenest regime on the planet.” Continue reading