Coming in contact with the “new and improved” American Castro Care for the masses that squeaks like a rusty wheel wrapped in cellophane and tied with a red bow, I realize that quality healthcare for American citizens and their undocumented brethren, who crossed the border illegally or were brought here by our government to fulfill the quota of Democrat voters and to alter the “racially unjust” and “bigoted” profile of sleepy little towns, might soon be a thing of the past.
If you take a handful of antibiotics before you have a medical procedure, your chances of survival double, especially if you know that your doctor’s handshake to improve his/her bedside manner passed to you all the germs from the previous eight patients because surveys say that doctors only wash hands after every eighth patient they touch. Very reassuring, isn’t it? But, it could be worse.
And then there are the foreign nurses and orderlies who come from third world countries where soap and water are scarce and sanitation is hard to grasp, especially since bacteria and viruses are invisible to the naked eye. Too much washing is bad for human skin and not part of some cultures. Who are we to judge, liberals ask rhetorically. Hand-washing may be against their religion as well.
You better thank your lucky stars that you get freshly cleaned and bleached sheets. As Marean Menghelie wrote, in eastern European socialized medicine, you could find yourself wrapped in a sheet with Crayola graffiti, with dried up blood that does not belong to you, ketchup stains when ketchup is not served in the hospital cafeteria, motor oil stains from the previous patient who cut his finger in an auto shop, suspicious yellow stains, or even dried-up vomit if you are really lucky.
And don’t dare to use the shower or the bathroom on your own, especially if you are hooked up to a tree of life with glucose and other happy drugs that can stop your heart. Why take the chance to pull the needle right out of your vein and spray the walls with a spritz of fresh blood.
Always ring the bedside button. When nobody shows up, and they seldom do, try to crawl out of bed carefully so as not to set off the bed alarm and watch out – the floor is really hard. If it rings anyway, hurry up to the bathroom and lock the door. There is always a young college student in nursing school assigned to babysit you and force you into compliance with hospital rules.
Menghelie suggested that you should be careful what you eat from the socialized medicine hospital offerings. Smell it suspiciously, wait for other patients in the ward to try it first, and consider eating only if nobody croaks right away. Better yet, don’t eat at all. If you wanted to eat, you should have gone to a restaurant, not a hospital.
If you must have a procedure, you have to bribe the doctor (it is expected) to make sure he/she does an extra good job and you emerge alive. Watch to make sure they put the bribe money clearly labeled with your name in an envelope and ask, in case you don’t make it, if there is a refund policy payable to the family for burial expenses.
Menghelie even recommended a nice payoff for the RNs, the next in line to make sure you are properly sedated and cared for after surgery. Bring proper amount of cash as they are not ATMs to make change. It is good insurance that they will smile, give you shots properly, or draw blood on the first try without bruising your entire arm. Make sure, he advised, you bribe two nurses so that the second shift won’t leave you thirsty, in pain, or with your diaper wet.
Socialized medicine is great and it works well in the small bankrupt countries of Europe when you have the sniffles or the flu. It will work wonders for our 308 million Americans, give and take a few million undocumented arrivals that the government does not seem to be able to count accurately.
Dental care in socialized Europe is another story. There is a reason why so many Europeans don’t smile. It’s not that daily life is harder or that they are in a perennial bad mood. They are just either sporting gaps in their pearly browns or yellows or have ill-fitting dentures.
Aren’t you glad that the U.S. is going to finally join the rest of the civilized world? What took us so long? We’ve been overpaying for services, good doctors, and good insurance for so long. How could we have been so ignorant for so long? Lucky us that the ‘wise’ progressives came along to set us straight and give us Obama Care!
I can give you lots of savvy advice but it suffices to say that it would be better if you could stay healthy and away from doctors and dangerous pharmaceutical products that tend to cause more harm and mortal danger than the actual disease. And take your vitamins. You are going to live as long as God intended you to live no matter what you do.
Hello Ileana,
Thank you for calling it just as it is! I fear what our future is truly going to be and I fear that it will not be very good. I already see the NP’s, ER Physicians, RN’s, and BSN’s that we are to trust with our care many times leave a lot to be desired.
What I am about to share with you I have not shared with anyone but my family. I’m sharing this with you because it is a good example and becoming the norm. In May I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I quickly decided that I had to be my personal advocate for myself, knowing what I know from my past. Myself being a Certified MT(ASCP) who worked in the medical field who married a General Surgeon which allowed my household to be spoiled with the best care and advice possible. Now with MAT gone, I had no one to go to for solid advice. There were Drs that I interviewed that have thrown themselves into OBAMA Care for the money not for what is the best for the patient. Luckily, I did have at least 3 of those real American Physicians who not only look at today, but what do we do now to prevent this from coming back again, and if you do nothing now, it will come back! Those were the only caregivers that I wanted to talk to or rely upon at all. I fought OBAMA care, Social Security, and even Tricare for Life to be sure I would not be cut short by any of them.
I began with a good surgeon (not the OBAMAite I originally spoke with ). I had a double Mastectomy and gallbladder surgery on 3/31, and as soon as I could, I was in the gym working to lift my arms and move with no pain. Sometimes people forget “no pain, no gain”. It was so important to move along to the next step as quickly as possible. I insisted upon pushing the Drs to not forget me. Now I am in Chemotherapy. I just had my 3rd Chemo treatment on Thursday after Bonnie’s Wedding. Have one more IV treatment on 7/9 and then I start a new course of 1 treatment per week for 12 weeks with a different Chemical. There are side effects with that one that I’m a little concerned about, but I’ve learned now to keep the journal and log in anything that might be a problem. Call their office with any questions or problems. Also not be afraid to ask about things that don’t seem to go right. Not in a challenging way, but because I have experience with chemo and what can happen that most patients don’t have. I’m sure that the Nurses roll their eyes when I walk in, but that’s ok. I need to feel comfortable with every step we take.
I have a goal that I keep in mind each time I go in for chemo. After it is all over, I can then start with the Reconstruction Surgeon! I think that I should be finished with all the chemo around the middle to last of October. Just enough time to recoup and have my brand new Present for Christmas!
Ileana, if I had to do this at a later date in a 3rd world setting like they are moving us into; I would be very concerned about survival. Obama really has no understanding or care about those he claims he is helping. The idea is to offer better and the very best. He continues to drag us back into a nightmare of what is to come.
I hope you and your family are well and I will do my best to get the pictures of Bonnie’s Wedding out. I did put some on my page, but I hope I will have more when we get the final Photographer pictures and the Video.
Take Care and God Bless,
Linda Taquino
Dear Linda,
I wish you the best of luck in your battle with chemo. You are a very brave woman who is overcoming the odds and defeating cancer. I am glad you spoke about your worries about the quality of care that most people, less informed than you are, will receive in the future. I shudder to think how many people will be denied proper care under the (un)Affordable Care Act. It is already here in denials of certain drugs, substitutions that are less expensive and less effective, denial of basic needs after a certain age, and many other indignities that Americans will have to suffer in order that the globalists can rearrange the planet in their utopian vision in which one group of very wealthy individuals and transnational corporations will control everything while the rest of the planet will be slaves to the elitist decisions. It will be a sad day, but it is coming.